atoomic / perl-TimeDate

time & date parsing and formatting perl library
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Time/ missing India Standard Time [ #77886] #9

Open atoomic opened 4 years ago

atoomic commented 4 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'new')


From on 2012-06-18 22:25:43 :


    Specifying the timezone "IST" causes Date::Format's time2str() to return an "uninitialized value in addition" error, and returns UTC time labeled as IST.

Distribution name and version (For example, "DBIx-SearchBuilder-0.46")


Perl version (Find this by running the command perl -v)

    $ perl -v
    This is perl, v5.6.0 built for 9000/777-hpux

Operating System vendor and version (Find this by running the command uname -a)

    $ uname -a
    HP-UX psweb1 B.11.11 U 9000/800 305419896 unlimited-user license

Details about your operating environment that might be related to the issue being described

    I had been using Perl scripts on a system hosted in the United States for a long time, but when the code was copied to a server in India I noticed this issue. I downloaded the latest version available from CPAN and it still has the issue.  The "ist" time zone is commented out in Time/  I installed the module into a custom location and uncommented that line, and it appears to work.

Exact cut and pasted error or warning messages:

    The example code below gives this error message, and a time is returned but it is UTC time, even though the returned timezone is "IST":

    Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/Date/ line 118.

The shortest, clearest code you can manage to write which reproduces the bug described:

    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

    use lib "/opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.6.1";
    use Date::Format;
    use Time::Zone;
    use Date::Parse;

    my $timezone = "IST";

    my $todays_date = time();

    my $formatted_date
        = time2str( "%Y-%m-%d %X %Z", $todays_date, "$timezone" );

    print qq{"$todays_date" formatted, and converted to $timezone is: "$formatted_date"\n};


Output from the above script is:

$ 2>&1
Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/Date/ line 118.
"1340058036" formatted, and converted to IST is: "2012-06-18 22:20:36 IST"

A patch against the latest released version of this distribution which fixes this bug:

$ diff latest/ custom/
<       #   "ist"       =>  +5*3600+1800,# Indian Standard
>           "ist"       =>  +5*3600+1800,# Indian Standard

Cathrin Callas