atoone / BeastEm

MicroBeast Z80 Computer emulator
zlib License
22 stars 5 forks source link

run beast but generate a lot of noise and not sure how to proceed plus Minor spelling issue - MacOS install issue #10

Open kwccoin opened 7 months ago

kwccoin commented 7 months ago
  1. running issues

1.1 Can't run the beastem until I move to

cd \assets

1.2 Run but with a lot of noise and I have to turn off my speaker.


But it seems to detect correctly all the devices:

No file or listing arguments, loading demo firmware
Parsed listing, file firmware.lst for page 0 has 4290 lines.
Parsed listing, file monitor.lst for page 35 has 5764 lines.
Read file 'flash_v1.5.bin' (241K) to ROM starting at 0x0
Clock cycle time ps = 125000, speed = 8.00MHz
UART init. Clock rate 1843200
Divisor 1 Baud rate : 115200
2024-03-06 22:11:09.507 beastem[82979:39105566] INFO: Audio device 0: G34WQC A
2024-03-06 22:11:09.507 beastem[82979:39105566] INFO: Audio device 1: Dell AC511 USB SoundBar
2024-03-06 22:11:09.507 beastem[82979:39105566] INFO: Audio device 2: BlackHole 16ch
2024-03-06 22:11:09.507 beastem[82979:39105566] INFO: Audio device 3: External Headphones
2024-03-06 22:11:09.507 beastem[82979:39105566] INFO: Audio device 4: Mac mini Speakers
2024-03-06 22:11:09.507 beastem[82979:39105566] INFO: Audio device 5: Record It Audio Device
2024-03-06 22:11:09.507 beastem[82979:39105566] INFO: Audio device 6: ZoomAudioDevice
2024-03-06 22:11:09.507 beastem[82979:39105566] INFO: Audio device 7: Record It Aggregate Device

and not sure how to proceed (change firmware.lst?) :

1.3 bios.lst

I cannot see any bios.lst in the macOS asset directory. The default should not run but it did.

1.4 Did try to run the other firmware-p24.bin

../beastem -l 0 ../firmware_p24.bin 

It sort of the same issue, noise on the speaker. And the similar image


and a bit longer console log

No match on line 1
No match on line 2
No match on line 3
No match on line 9
No match on line 12
No match on line 15
No match on line 17
No match on line 18
No match on line 20
No match on line 23
No match on line 25
No match on line 31
No match on line 33
No match on line 34
No match on line 35
No match on line 37
No match on line 38
No match on line 39
No match on line 40
No match on line 41
No match on line 42
No match on line 43
No match on line 45
No match on line 48
No match on line 49
No match on line 50
Parsed listing, file ../firmware_p24.bin for page 0 has 50 lines.
Clock cycle time ps = 125000, speed = 8.00MHz
UART init. Clock rate 1843200
Divisor 1 Baud rate : 115200
2024-03-06 22:18:39.578 beastem[83074:39110102] INFO: Audio device 0: G34WQC A
2024-03-06 22:18:39.578 beastem[83074:39110102] INFO: Audio device 1: Dell AC511 USB SoundBar
2024-03-06 22:18:39.578 beastem[83074:39110102] INFO: Audio device 2: BlackHole 16ch
2024-03-06 22:18:39.578 beastem[83074:39110102] INFO: Audio device 3: External Headphones
2024-03-06 22:18:39.578 beastem[83074:39110102] INFO: Audio device 4: Mac mini Speakers
2024-03-06 22:18:39.578 beastem[83074:39110102] INFO: Audio device 5: Record It Audio Device
2024-03-06 22:18:39.578 beastem[83074:39110102] INFO: Audio device 6: ZoomAudioDevice
2024-03-06 22:18:39.578 beastem[83074:39110102] INFO: Audio device 7: Record It Aggregate Device

1.5 How to proceed next stage

Also, not sure how to proceed after this (how to add/change to a proper Z80 CPU, how to run a Z80 assembler program ...).

  1. Minor spelling one is
brew install sdl2 sdl_2gfx sdl2_image sdl2_net sdl2_ttf

but it should be sdl2_gfx not sdl_2gfx or

brew install sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_net sdl2_ttf
  1. BTW, I solved the not working under M2air and after running ok with brew install (and edit the spelling mistake as detailed below:
make clean all
rm -f beastem beastem.o src/i2c.o src/beast.o src/digit.o src/display.o src/rtc.o src/debug.o src/listing.o src/instructions.o src/videobeast.o
c++  -I/Users/xxxxxx/miniconda3/include/SDL2 -D_THREAD_SAFE -std=c++20 -O2   -c -o beastem.o beastem.cpp
beastem.cpp:5:10: fatal error: 'SDL_net.h' file not found
#include <SDL_net.h>
1 error generated.

The problem is conda run in default and need to be turn off

conda config --set auto_activate_base false
atoone commented 7 months ago

The audio will depend on the speed of your system. You can turn it off with -s 0 command line option. I hope to improve this later.

The -l option loads source (.lst) files to show in the disassembler - these are not loaded into the computer memory. Use -f to load a binary file. The default is to load the recent MicroBeast firmware firmware_p24.bin from page 0 (i.e. -f 0 firmware_p24.bin) if no -f option occurs on the command line.

I will correct the instructions on the main branch of the repository, and add more example programs soon.