atoponce / d-note

Self destructing encrypted notes
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Errors in the #53

Open russcook opened 5 years ago

russcook commented 5 years ago

Under the "Configuration" Section: You reference the file named: dnote.ini, however the file must be named: d-note.ini.

The paragraph:

Edit the dnote.ini in this directory and update the 'config_path' value in the [default] section.
It is recommended that this value be either either /etc/dnote or ~/.dnote. 
Once edited, copy the dnote.ini file to the directory you created.

should read:

Edit the d-note.ini in this directory and update the 'config_path' value in the [default] section. 
It is recommended that this value be either either /etc/dnote or ~/.dnote. 
Once edited, copy the d-note.ini file to the directory you created.

Under the "NGINX Setup" Section: The "module" setting in the UWSGI configuration file reads: module = __init__:dnote it should read: module = __init__:DNOTE

socket =
chdir = /python/path/site-packages/dnote-1.0.1-py2.7.egg/dnote
plugin = python
module = __init__:DNOTE
processes = 4
threads = 2
stats =
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
logto = /var/log/dnote.log