atoptima / Coluna.jl

Branch-and-Price-and-Cut in Julia
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One algorithm for each cut callback #454

Open guimarqu opened 3 years ago

guimarqu commented 3 years ago

It would be nice if we indicate this only if at least one lazy cut callback is defined. For this, I suggest to transform CutCallbacks to CutCallback which separates only one family of cuts. CutCallback would now whether it is lazy or facultative and its priority. Then every algorithm which uses cut separation (ColCutGenConquer and ColumnGeneration) should have a vector of CutCallback as a parameter. Then, there will be no overhead if no cut callbacks are defined. And it would be more flexible as priorities would allow us to separate "light" cut before "heavy" ones using priorities

_Originally posted by @rrsadykov in

rrsadykov commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks Guillaume for posting this issue.