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Translate images into German #11

Open rillig opened 2 years ago

rillig commented 2 years ago

Here are the German texts for translating the images. Maybe you can find a way to overlay the text on the plain images, maybe by specifying coordinates for each of the texts. Then you would not have to generate the images anew for each language.

Image English German Remarks
conditional_correlation writing ability Schreibfähigkeit keep the dot as the decimal separator, for the sake of the parser
mathematical ability Rechenfähigkeit
ct_vote_table_small voter Wähler keep the dot as the decimal separator, for the sake of the parser
eight_children_small number of girls Anzahl der Mädchen keep the dot as the decimal separator, for the sake of the parser
probability Wahrscheinlichkeit
gambler number of bets completed Anzahl der abgeschlossenen Wetten
gambler's fortune Vermögen des Glücksspielers
gambling rounds played Gespielte Runden
dollars Euro (yes, it's singular, not Euros)
income parent's income percentile Perzentil des Elterneinkommens
child's income percentile Perzentil des Kindeinkommens
life age Alter shouldn't the blue graph start at (0,0) instead of (0,31.4)?
life expectancy Lebenserwartung keep the dot as the decimal separator, for the sake of the parser
one number of girls Anzahl der Mädchen keep the dot as the decimal separator, for the sake of the parser
probability Wahrscheinlichkeit
proba skill Geschicklichkeit keep the dot as the decimal separator, for the sake of the parser
four shots Vier Treffer
six shots Sechs Treffer
probability of joining Aufnahmewahrscheinlichkeit
random left piece linkes Stück
right piece rechtes Stück
uniform random breakpoint gleichverteilt zufällige Bruchstelle
roll first roll erster Wurf
second roll zweiter Wurf
table you Du
host Gastgeberin
two_girls number of girls Anzahl der Mädchen keep the dot as the decimal separator, for the sake of the parser
probability Wahrscheinlichkeit
vote_counting_easy number of votes counted Anzahl der gezählten Stimmen
vote_counting_small net votes for C Nettostimmen für C