atorger / nvdb2osm

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Bug: currently no files can be converted correctly #40

Closed matthiasfeist closed 2 years ago

matthiasfeist commented 2 years ago

At the moment it seems that the script doesn't work with any NVDB files...

atorger commented 2 years ago

Yes seems to be related NVDB's change of tagging format for gång and cykelvägar. Most likely a trivial fix, I'll look into it after the holidays.

atorger commented 2 years ago

I have now updated it to work with the new GCM format but not tested it on so many municipalities.

I've also remade the cycleway/footway crossing resolving code so it should be a bit better and also work with new GCM format.

The new GCM format is less detailed for better or worse. The only thing I really miss from the old format is that we no longer get sidewalk/trottoar tag, it's just tagged as a regular footway.

atorger commented 2 years ago

Another change is that cycleway now contains foot=yes, this is not a tagging change, but I recently became aware that this is required for routing algorithms to route foot over cycleway. In Sweden it is allowed to walk on cycleways, but the routing algorithms does not know that, hence foot=yes is added.

matthiasfeist commented 2 years ago

cool. I am starting the pipeline now, so by tomorrow we'll see if it worked :)

matthiasfeist commented 2 years ago

Seems to work now. At least most of the kommun were converted