atorger / nvdb2osm

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Remove NVDB:RLID? #5

Closed atorger closed 3 years ago

atorger commented 3 years ago

Keeping the NVDB:RLID tag sometimes cause road segments to be shorter than they otherwise would be, making it more cumbersome to merge with existing geometry.

The reason for NVDB:RLID tag to be there is to have a clear link back to the source data. However, a future update script will have to work with quite advanced geometry matching/snapping anyway, so there may not be much value to keep the NVDB:RLID.

NKAmapper commented 3 years ago

I agree. The short segments deviate too much from what is normal in OSM. Also, the RLID might not be correct anymore if a user later merges the segment with a different connected way.

I am using an id similar to RLID to decide which ways should be grouped together when concatenating longer ways, but it is not included in the output.

The highway_merge script is an example of how to generate diffs between NVDB and OSM without having RLID or a similar id.

atorger commented 3 years ago

I'll try to make a patch this evening. Or rather I'll try NOT to make a patch during this workday, because I need to do some paid work too, ha ha.

atorger commented 3 years ago

It's in master branch now.

NKAmapper commented 3 years ago

Great. If you also update the Göteborg file then we can see the result :)