atroutt / WeAreTechWomen

We are Tech Women--raising the profile of women in technology
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We are temporarily cut off from Twitter #21

Open atroutt opened 10 years ago

atroutt commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure what happened, but I got an email from Twitter today saying that we can't do writes anymore (I think that means the tweet button?).

I don't have extra time this month really to look in to it. Does anyone want to volunteer to see what is working and what isn't and see if they can figure out what went wrong?

This is a notice that your application, We Are Tech Women, is no longer allowed to
 perform write operations.

Please make sure that your application follows Twitter's API Terms of Service
To request that your application be re-enabled for write operations, please visit 
our support form.

While this restriction is still in place, please do not attempt to register a new 
API key for your application without authorization from Twitter. 

Such an action is a violation of our API Terms of Service and may result in the 
permanent suspension of your application (as well as any associated developer 
atroutt commented 10 years ago

I looked at the TOS for twitter and the one thing I noticed was that in the section about using twitter for auth (which we do) it says that we have to display the user's twitter handle, photo and the twitter bird.

III. Twitter Functionality in your Service

1. Twitter Login

End users must be presented with the option to log into Twitter via the OAuth protocol. End users 
without a Twitter account should be given the opportunity to create a new Twitter account as 
provided by Twitter. You must display the Connect with Twitter option at least as prominently as 
the most prominent of any other third party social networking sign-up or sign-in marks and branding 
appearing on your Service.

2. General

If you allow end users to create social updates from your own social service or a third party social 
networking, micro-blogging, or status update provider integrated into your Service ("Update"), you 
must also display a prominent option to publish that content (or a link if the Update is not text or 
longer than 140 characters) to Twitter. Only link back to the same Update or content on the other 
service if the Update is longer than 140 characters.

All URLs referencing content in the Update (for example, a web page, photo, video, or text longer 
than 140 characters) should direct users back to the page where that content is displayed, rather 
than any interstitial or intermediate page. You can require users to sign-in to access that page, but 
the content cannot otherwise be restricted from being viewed.

3. Twitter Identity

Once an end user has authenticated via Connect with Twitter, you must clearly display the end 
user's Twitter identity. Twitter identity includes visible display of the end user's avatar, Twitter user 
name, and the Twitter "bird" mark. Displays of the end user's followers on your Service must 
clearly show that the relationship is associated with the Twitter service.