I have my Pi using v3.4.2 (Qt Plant) and I was able to use SSHNP v3.4.2 just fine, but SSHNP v4.0.2 client does not work.
SSHNP v4.0.2 logs (MacOS Client arm64):
jeremytubongbanua@Jeremys-Air ~ % ~/.local/bin/sshnp -f @client_0 -t @server_0 -d pi8 -h @rv_eu -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -v
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.474779|Sshnp|Finding a spare local port
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.475047|Sshnp|Initializing SshnpLocalSshKeyHandler
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.475071|Sshnp|Loading identity key pair from /Users/jeremytubongbanua/.ssh/id_ed25519
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.475485|Sshnp|Initializing SshnpCore
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.475502| SshnpdChannel |Starting monitor for notifications with regex: "68839f5c-3643-46fd-ba56-e2bff31dafd4.pi8.sshnp@server_0"
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.475512| SshnpdChannel |Subscribing to notifications with regex: "68839f5c-3643-46fd-ba56-e2bff31dafd4.pi8.sshnp@server_0"
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.793124| SshnpdChannel |Skipped sharing public key with sshnpd: sendSshPublicKey=false
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.793172| SshrvdChannel |Subscribing to notifications with regex: "68839f5c-3643-46fd-ba56-e2bff31dafd4.sshrvd@"
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.793192| SshrvdChannel |Started listening for sshrvd response
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:05.793205| SshrvdChannel |Sending notification to sshrvd: @rv_eu:pi8.sshrvd@client_0
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:06.464565| SshrvdChannel |Received host and port from sshrvd:
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:06.464616| SshrvdChannel |Set sshrvdPort to: 43167
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:06.532678| SshrvdChannel |SUCCESS:id: ad9385c7-c0c2-4b84-bf3b-fa8691968c54 status: NotificationStatusEnum.delivered with key: @rv_eu:pi8.sshrvd@client_0
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:06.532801|Sshnp|Sending request to sshnpd
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:07.286528|Sshnp|SUCCESS:id: d46ca5bb-cf16-4ceb-b821-87d67a11c0d6 status: NotificationStatusEnum.delivered with key: @server_0:ssh_request.pi8.sshnp@client_0
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:09.224260| SshnpdChannel |Still waiting for sshnpd response
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:09.224396| SshnpdChannel |sshnpdAck: SshnpdAck.notAcknowledged
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:11.263577| SshnpdChannel |Still waiting for sshnpd response
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:11.263732| SshnpdChannel |sshnpdAck: SshnpdAck.notAcknowledged
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:13.305755| SshnpdChannel |Still waiting for sshnpd response
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:13.305858| SshnpdChannel |sshnpdAck: SshnpdAck.notAcknowledged
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:15.347889| SshnpdChannel |Still waiting for sshnpd response
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:15.348040| SshnpdChannel |sshnpdAck: SshnpdAck.notAcknowledged
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.388845| SshnpdChannel |Still waiting for sshnpd response
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.388955| SshnpdChannel |sshnpdAck: SshnpdAck.notAcknowledged
sshnpd did not acknowledge the request
Stack Trace: #0 SshnpOpensshLocalImpl.run (package:noports_core/src/sshnp/impl/sshnp_openssh_local_impl.dart:88)
<asynchronous suspension>
#1 main.<anonymous closure> (file:///Users/chant/src/af/sshnoports/packages/sshnoports/bin/sshnp.dart:79)
<asynchronous suspension>
#2 main (file:///Users/chant/src/af/sshnoports/packages/sshnoports/bin/sshnp.dart:39)
<asynchronous suspension>
SSHNPD v3.4.2 (Qt Plant on Raspberry Pi 4B AARCH64):
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:01.766646|AtClientManager|setCurrentAtSign called with atSign @server_0
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:01.767512|AtClientManager|Switching atSigns from null to @server_0
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:01.775488|HiveBase|commit_log_055719601711c762ce6bc501676e84468ea43ee6a20f32649e09e7cf951c9526 initialized successfully
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:01.782713|HiveBase|055719601711c762ce6bc501676e84468ea43ee6a20f32649e09e7cf951c9526 initialized successfully
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:01.787252|AtClientCommitLogCompaction (@server_0)|Starting commit log compaction job running for every 11 minute(s)
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:01.789817|AtClientManager|setCurrentAtSign complete
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:01.789923|AtLookup|Creating new connection
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:02.225718|AtLookup|New connection created OK
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:02.349367|AtLookup|auth success
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:02.649399| sshnpd |Starting heartbeat
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:02.649519| sshnpd |Subscribing to pi8\.sshnp@
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:02.649660| sshnpd |Updating device info for pi8
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:02.787426| sshnpd |Done
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:02.868482|Monitor (@server_0)|monitor started for @server_0 with last notification time: null
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:06.892959| sshnpd |Received: ssh_request
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:06.893117| sshnpd |>=3.5.0 request for ssh received from @client_0 ( notification id : d46ca5bb-cf16-4ceb-b821-87d67a11c0d6 )
Error: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'String'
Stack Trace: #0 SSHNPDImpl._handleSshRequestNotification (package:sshnoports/sshnpd/sshnpd_impl.dart:381)
#1 SSHNPDImpl._notificationHandler (package:sshnoports/sshnpd/sshnpd_impl.dart:253)
#2 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1415)
#3 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1308)
#4 _CustomZone.runUnaryGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1217)
#5 _BufferingStreamSubscription._sendData (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:339)
#6 _DelayedData.perform (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:515)
#7 _PendingEvents.handleNext (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:620)
#8 _PendingEvents.schedule.<anonymous closure> (dart:async/stream_impl.dart:591)
#9 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1391)
#10 _CustomZone.run (dart:async/zone.dart:1301)
#11 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1209)
#12 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded.<anonymous closure> (dart:async/zone.dart:1249)
#13 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1399)
#14 _CustomZone.run (dart:async/zone.dart:1301)
#15 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1209)
#16 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded.<anonymous closure> (dart:async/zone.dart:1249)
#17 _microtaskLoop (dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart:40)
#18 _startMicrotaskLoop (dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart:49)
#19 _runPendingImmediateCallback (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:123)
#20 _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:405)
#21 _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:429)
#22 _RawReceivePort._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:189)
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:16.978215|AtClientManager|setCurrentAtSign called with atSign @server_0
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:16.979081|AtClientManager|Switching atSigns from null to @server_0
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:16.984517|HiveBase|commit_log_055719601711c762ce6bc501676e84468ea43ee6a20f32649e09e7cf951c9526 initialized successfully
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:16.991785|HiveBase|055719601711c762ce6bc501676e84468ea43ee6a20f32649e09e7cf951c9526 initialized successfully
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:16.999426|AtClientCommitLogCompaction (@server_0)|Starting commit log compaction job running for every 11 minute(s)
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.006372|AtClientManager|setCurrentAtSign complete
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.006610|AtLookup|Creating new connection
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.309714|AtLookup|New connection created OK
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.398373|AtLookup|auth success
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.678379| sshnpd |Starting heartbeat
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.678469| sshnpd |Subscribing to pi8\.sshnp@
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.678590| sshnpd |Updating device info for pi8
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.771436| sshnpd |Done
INFO|2023-12-13 15:11:17.906380|Monitor (@server_0)|monitor started for @server_0 with last notification time: null
Additional Logs:
Pi start up script sshnpd:
jeremy@raspberrypi8:~ $ cat ~/.local/bin/sshnpd@client_0
# v2.0.0
# allow machine to bring up network
sleep 10
export USER
ARGS="-s -u -v"
while true; do
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
"/home/jeremy"/.local/bin/sshnpd -a "$DEVICE" -m "$CLIENT" -d "$NAME" $ARGS
sleep 10
Pi sshnpd version:
jeremy@raspberrypi8:~ $ ~/.local/bin/sshnpd
Version : 3.4.2
MacOS v3.4.2 proof working fine:
jeremytubongbanua@Jeremys-Air sshnp % ./sshnp
Version : 3.4.2
-k, --key-file Sending atSign's atKeys file if not in ~/.atsign/keys/
-f, --from (mandatory) Sending (a.k.a. client) atSign
-t, --to (mandatory) Receiving device atSign
-d, --device Receiving device name
(defaults to "default")
-h, --host (mandatory) atSign of sshrvd daemon or FQDN/IP address to connect back to
-p, --port TCP port to connect back to (only required if --host specified a FQDN/IP)
(defaults to "22")
-l, --local-port Reverse ssh port to listen on, on your local machine, by sshnp default finds a spare port
(defaults to "0")
-s, --ssh-public-key Public key file from ~/.ssh to be appended to authorized_hosts on the remote device
(defaults to "false")
-o, --local-ssh-options Add these commands to the local ssh command
-v, --[no-]verbose More logging
-r, --[no-]rsa Use RSA 4096 keys rather than the default ED25519 keys
-u, --remote-user-name username to use in the ssh session on the remote host
--root-domain atDirectory domain
(defaults to "root.atsign.org")
--config-file Read args from a config file
Mandatory args are not required if already supplied in the config file
--list-devices List available devices
Invalid argument(s): Option from is mandatory.
jeremytubongbanua@Jeremys-Air sshnp % ./sshnp -f @client_0 -t @server_0 -h @rv_eu -s id_ed25519.pub -d pi8
ssh -p 53454 jeremy@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i /Users/jeremytubongbanua/.ssh/id_ed25519
Steps to reproduce
First I '...'
Then I '...'
And then '...'
Expected behavior
v4.0.2 sshnp works with v3.4.2 sshnpd devices
No response
Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
Version [e.g. 22]
Were you using an atApplication when the bug was found?
Describe the bug
I have my Pi using v3.4.2 (Qt Plant) and I was able to use SSHNP v3.4.2 just fine, but SSHNP v4.0.2 client does not work.
SSHNP v4.0.2 logs (MacOS Client arm64):
SSHNPD v3.4.2 (Qt Plant on Raspberry Pi 4B AARCH64):
Additional Logs:
Pi start up script sshnpd:
Pi sshnpd version:
MacOS v3.4.2 proof working fine:
Steps to reproduce
Expected behavior
v4.0.2 sshnp works with v3.4.2 sshnpd devices
No response
Were you using an atApplication when the bug was found?
No response
Additional context
No response