Open freeman42x opened 9 years ago
My problem is somewhat related. Ghc-modi's output is not split into lines properly - everything is in a single line.
check src/Main.hs
src/Main.hs:126:10:Couldn't match type ‘[()]’ with ‘()’ Expected type: IO () Actual type: IO [()] In the expression: mapM readArg args In an equation for ‘main’: main = mapM readArg args where args = ["12.33", ....] readArg a = putStrLn $ show a ++ " --> " ++ show (readExpr a)
Meanwhile, ghc-mod outputs
src/Main.hs:122:10:Couldn't match type ‘[()]’ with ‘()’
Expected type: IO ()
Actual type: IO [()]
In the expression: mapM readArg args
In an equation for ‘main’:
= mapM readArg args
args = ["12.33", ....]
readArg a = putStrLn $ show a ++ " --> " ++ show (readExpr a)
This is the case with bare ghc-modi as well, not just via the plugin. From a quick look, it seems that lines are ended with '\0' instead of '\n'.
It would be nice for the GhcMod window to have word wrap as an option with automatic reflow.