atsky / haskell-idea-plugin

IntelliJ IDEA plugin for Haskell
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GhcMod window word wrap #109

Open freeman42x opened 9 years ago

freeman42x commented 9 years ago

It would be nice for the GhcMod window to have word wrap as an option with automatic reflow.

lpiter commented 9 years ago

My problem is somewhat related. Ghc-modi's output is not split into lines properly - everything is in a single line.

check src/Main.hs
src/Main.hs:126:10:Couldn't match type ‘[()]’ with ‘()’ Expected type: IO ()   Actual type: IO [()] In the expression: mapM readArg args In an equation for ‘main’:     main       = mapM readArg args       where           args = ["12.33", ....]           readArg a = putStrLn $ show a ++ " --> " ++ show (readExpr a)

Meanwhile, ghc-mod outputs

src/Main.hs:122:10:Couldn't match type ‘[()]’ with ‘()’
Expected type: IO ()
  Actual type: IO [()]
In the expression: mapM readArg args
In an equation for ‘main’:
      = mapM readArg args
          args = ["12.33", ....]
          readArg a = putStrLn $ show a ++ " --> " ++ show (readExpr a)

This is the case with bare ghc-modi as well, not just via the plugin. From a quick look, it seems that lines are ended with '\0' instead of '\n'.