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[FOSDEM 2019] Squeezing Water from Stone - KornShell in 2019 #1095

Closed siteshwar closed 5 years ago

siteshwar commented 5 years ago

Sharing this on GitHub as we don't have a mailing list.

My proposal for lightning talk at FOSDEM 2019 was accepted. You can find details of my talk here. This will be a brief status update about state of ksh93. If you are going to be at FOSDEM this year and would like to meet me in person, feel free to ping situ on freenode/oftc, or drop me an e-mail. Thanks!

EDIT: Fixed link.

etscrivner commented 5 years ago

Nice! Congrats on getting the talk accepted. I think getting this project a bit more publicity would be great :)

DavidMorano commented 5 years ago


My proposal for lightning talk at FOSDEM 2019 was accepted.

Yes, total kudos!

krader1961 commented 5 years ago

I wish I could be there to support you. I hope it goes well and your talk encourages more participation in keeping ksh alive.

siteshwar commented 5 years ago

Done with the talk today morning. Closing this issue. Video will be available later.

siteshwar commented 5 years ago

Video of my talk was published here. Feel free to throw paper planes at me if you don't understand my accent.