Closed piggz closed 4 years ago
I just need to make a translation table so the names get more human-friendly, and this should be ready. Current architecture made it a ~2-line addition, not counting the table.
How about this: f063b57fdf5ed948b64e64d6bf49bbba5c095252 ?
Tried to print on a 5x7, but got this error and no print [W] unknown:18 - file:///usr/share/harbour-seaprint/qml/pages/PrinterPage.qml:18: TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined
I'm afraid that the jpeg support may have been a bit of an overstatement. Some printers happily accept arbitrary jpegs, but some only see it only as a means for compressing exactly sized pages. Seems i need to add raster format support and handle converting images to those instead for a more consistent experience. (jpeg-to-jpeg conversions is probably less than optimal)
I don't think that is an actual error, just my ineptitude at checking for presence of values in qml objects. If you got an banner with an error in the app, it worked as intended.
No, i dont think a banner happened. Because of the error on that line I dont think the lines after execute.
This should help 27cc5a38e575fff42c03c74828d6ebf22c277ab6 QML is certainly not my day job...
This option is withheld for the time being, until i can be more sure it does something meaningful. I.e. pdfs will likely be limited to A4, letter and maybe A3. For Images i could in theory implement conversion to any format, it is just a matter of having the application know how big they are. I'm likely going to be removing sending raw jpegs to printers when conversions are in place.
Now image printing is backed up by a resize to the selected paper size, please try it out :) 2da5baad591c48f5cb086e646d192b71ed30c4cc
Hi, can you add bytestream.h to the repository so i can build. ta
I think a git submodule update --init --recursive
should do the trick. Bytestream was already a submodule dependency of ppm2pwg, which is now submodule'd in, so i stopped keeping a copy for SeaPrint, and use that on instead.
Ok, got past that, but still had to add
to convertworker.cpp
Tried to print a 5x7 photo and got print failed. This was the log, happy to supply any more info as required
Hmm, i must have messed up the size calculation with imperial/US customary units... See you on IRC?
For the benefit of others reading this. The size snafu is fixed, but the printer still doesn't like it. Printing to a test printer yields a file with seemingly correct contents.
Tried the latest code.
Printer: Canon MG5700 Page size: 5x7 Selecting JPEG fails instantly Selecting URF or PWG spends time transferring the file, but fails at the end. Page Size: A4 JPEG: Fails with unsupported format URF: Printed ok ... got to 18%, and printer told me to change paper to A4 (still had 5x7 in) and then continued printing/transferring
I did some debugging using ipptool and reading the ipp specs.
From what i understand, seaprint current;y issues IPP v1.1 commands. Using ipptool, i was able to recreate the error im having with the following ipp command file:
NAME "Print JPG File"
# The request to send
GROUP operation-attributes-tag
ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
ATTR uri printer-uri ipp://
ATTR name requesting-user-name piggz
ATTR mimeMediaType document-format image/jpeg
GROUP job-attributes-tag
ATTR keyword media na_5x7_5x7in
FILE test.jpg
# The response to expect
STATUS successful-ok
EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer WITH-VALUE >0
EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri
# The name of the test
NAME "Wait for Job to Complete"
# The request to send
OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes
GROUP operation-attributes-tag
ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
ATTR integer job-id $job-id
ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
# The response to expect
STATUS successful-ok
EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer WITH-VALUE $job-id
EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri
EXPECT job-originating-user-name OF-TYPE name WITH-VALUE "$user"
# Show the job state until completed...
DISPLAY job-state
DISPLAY job-state-reasons
By using an IPP v2.0 style file, and the media-col property, i was able to print a jpeg to 5x7 without any conversions, the media-col property uses sizes of 2540 per inch.
NAME "Print JPG File"
# The request to send
GROUP operation-attributes-tag
ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
ATTR uri printer-uri ipp://
ATTR name requesting-user-name piggz
ATTR mimeMediaType document-format image/jpeg
GROUP job-attributes-tag
ATTR collection media-col {
MEMBER collection media-size {
# 4x6
MEMBER integer x-dimension 12700
MEMBER integer y-dimension 17780
FILE test.jpg
# The response to expect
STATUS successful-ok
EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer WITH-VALUE >0
EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri
# The name of the test
NAME "Wait for Job to Complete"
# The request to send
OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes
GROUP operation-attributes-tag
ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
ATTR integer job-id $job-id
ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
# The response to expect
STATUS successful-ok
EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer WITH-VALUE $job-id
EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri
EXPECT job-originating-user-name OF-TYPE name WITH-VALUE "$user"
# Show the job state until completed...
DISPLAY job-state
DISPLAY job-state-reasons
I think to implement this in seaprint would (just) require changing the version numbers to 2.0, and adding support for the collection type to the encoder?
I will look in to it. The big question is how to hook this human-unfriendly attribute to the gui. The app should indeed report IPP 2.0, at least whenever possible.
Have you tried with both media and media-col together? If that works, maybe media-col can just follow media and not need to be exposed to the user...
Yes, the following works: GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword media na_5x7_5x7in ATTR collection media-col { MEMBER collection media-size {
MEMBER integer x-dimension 12700
MEMBER integer y-dimension 17780
but without the media-col collection, the printer returns Internal error.(BeginPrintJob)
So yes, i think it woud be a case of adding the collection property, and hiding it from the user, and populating it from the media size chosen
ignore the 4x6 comment, those values are 5x7 :)
I needed to clean out some cruft first, to avoid accumulating too much technical debt, but now i got around to doing something about encoding collections. Seems to work for your use-case, can you please review/confirm?
Next will be adding these attributes based on user input... for which i don't really have any ideas (apart from the obvious relaying of page sizes in media-col too where supported). Ideas?
I would at least include an option to set a single margin value, which sets all the media*-margin attributes. This would allow borderless printing.
Ive tested by manually adding the appropriate attributes for paper-size/margin against your collection encoding and it worked fine. JSON was this
I would still need to model such settings based on allowed values... That helps with only including it if supported, if nothing else. I'll experiment with a custom setting component that deals with margins, so that it can keep within the current architecture.
I tested the latest code, but on printing, i was left with a screen that said "Loading" with a busy control
Log was: [D] unknown:0 - QNetworkReply::NetworkError(NoError) "Unknown error" "" [D] unknown:0 - 0 QJsonObject({"attributes-charset":{"tag":71,"value":"utf-8"},"attributes-natural-language":{"tag":72,"value":"en-us"}}) 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[D] unknown:0 - additionalDocumentFormats () [W] unknown:0 - QQmlExpression: Expression file:///usr/share/harbour-seaprint/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml:122:41 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: [W] unknown:0 - ConvertChecker::pdf [W] unknown:0 - QQmlExpression: Expression file:///usr/share/harbour-seaprint/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml:237:35 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: [W] unknown:0 - ConvertChecker::pdf [D] servicesChanged:23 - services changed [D] go:28 - go! [D] servicesChanged:23 - services changed [D] go:28 - go! [D] :85 - choice changed 68 "na_5x7_5x7in" [D] :94 - {"media":{"tag":68,"value":"na_5x7_5x7in"}} [D] :85 - choice changed 68 "auto" [D] :94 - {"media":{"tag":68,"value":"na_5x7_5x7in"},"media-source":{"tag":68,"value":"auto"}} [D] onClicked:26 - {"media":{"tag":68,"value":"na_5x7_5x7in"},"media-source":{"tag":68,"value":"auto"}} [W] unknown:32 - file:///usr/share/harbour-seaprint/qml/pages/BusyPage.qml:32: TypeError: Cannot read property 'busyMessage' of null [W] unknown:29 - file:///usr/share/harbour-seaprint/qml/pages/PrinterPage.qml:29: TypeError: Cannot call method 'print' of null
That's super weird, and not obviously related. The printer object itself seems to have gone missing, which should have happened for me too. Is it reproducible?
Ah, ok, it worked when i tried again....i probably dropped off the wifi, and it was getting late so i never retried ...
So, the current code still isnt sending the paper size in media-col, so my prints still fail with unknown error.
Ah, sorry, i wasn't clear... it only sends paper size in media-col if there is already something in media-col, and thus using media would be invalid. I.e. if you set zero margins, you should have it.
I guess i should throw in a global setting to move it unconditionally too.
Just tested 0.5.2 built from source and it worked really well. I was able to print a borderless photo, sent as a jpeg to 5x7 ... I did the same print as previously which had one white edge, and it printed without the edge
Great to hear, hope that sorts it for most people.
abranson is still having issues with his epson i believe, though it does now get closer to printing after I talked him through setting the media-col option.
Perhaps a debugging guide using ipptool would be useful, to determin the settings required for a printer?
Alright... I'll be happy to reopen with some input. Right, yes it would. However i'm not so sure i'd know what to put in the guide to help finding what settings to use. What tipped you off?
All i have to offer is really that the built-in command file works for me like so:
ipptool -tv -f Downloads/1.pdf ipp:// printjob.ipp
And this gets you started writing your own files.
Yeah, maybe just point people to that, and get them to submit a minimum ipp file which fixes the problem, then you know what needs to be set.
What tipped me off was experimenting with the test files from cups, and seeing what attributes they set ... when it worked with media-col, i then started hacking the file to the basics that were required.
When printing a photo, it is necessary to set a paper size other than A4. I was able to print a picture on my Canon MG5700, and I loaded it with 5x7 photo paper, but when printed, the printer insisted I loaded A4.