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Non-visual Data #4

Open mosicr opened 2 years ago

mosicr commented 2 years ago

Hi, Great work !! I wonder if similar approach would work on text data coming from disparate sources ( that never belonged to the same text ). It'd be reverse of what you did in the paper - putting together a puzzle / learning a policy from many disparate pieces .

lerrytang commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for posting the question! I'd like to learn more, can you elaborate and maybe give a relatively concrete example in the context of RL?

mosicr commented 2 years ago

Thanks Yujin, Perhaps best analogy would be what detectives or intelligence services do: collect information from many unrelated sources to try to make decision / create a policy ( arrest a person ; start a preemptive strike ). In terms of RL: head agent is trying to develop a policy on what action to take given a state on terrain. Many smaller agents are unleashed and develop mini-policies, which are then merged into one global policy. In NLP world, it would be: stock ticker information, newspapers articles, earnings calls are analyzed by mini-agents, developing mini-policies on what action to take in a given state ( TSLA goes down; mini-action is buy TSLA; headlines talk about Tesla will experience difficulties in EU market; mini-action is sell TSLA ). Global policy takes all these policies into account and develops overarching policy ( buy / sell / hold TSLA). Or, to create article summarization in NLP : have a large language models ( BERT etc ) develop mini-policies on what article pieces are relevant to be picked / included in a summary ( start/stop positions; so action would be include this text span in a final summary - yes / no - based on state - text context; this would include external text sources, dictionaries etc .) The main policy would then integrate all these mini-policies to produce article summary that doesn't only include text spans from the original article but also include external text sources.

lerrytang commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the examples!

If I understand it correctly, all these can be summarized in a hierarchical decision making system. One naive example of such a system is an ensemble of models where each individual model is responsible for interpreting a subset of the data modalities/sources, and an information integrator at a higher level makes the final decision. Although AttentionNeuron, or Attention in a general sense, should be able to achieve the same, an ensemble of models (in my opinion) is more straightforward and efficient.

mosicr commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your answer, makes sense.