attheodo / Pingu

Pingu - 🐧 A nifty menubar app that... pings
MIT License
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Where does pingu store the host list? #8

Open vkoechli opened 4 months ago

vkoechli commented 4 months ago

I'd like to remove a host from the list. I know that I can add 5 to flush everything out of the fifo list, but that's not what I want. I want one host less, not 4 more. Where ist the host list stored? Can I edit it, or just delete it and start afresh?

attheodo commented 4 months ago

Hey @vkoechli,

Pingu saves the host in UserDefaults.

You might want to try using the defaults read/write CLI tool to edit the file. It normally resides in /Library/Containers/com.attheodo.Pingu/Data/Library/Preferences