making a note here that 7.0 has launched,
like before I'll work to get a working version to PR in as soon as Dalamud is in a Workable state.
preparatory to 7.0 I've been trying to move as many Self-maintained SIGs to use the ClientStructs instead & This will include the QOL changes I've done during the rest of endwalker.
re-write the CanUseAction method using the Dalamud exposed ActionManager to simplify business logic, removing the need for some specific Sigs, only leaving ground target queue patch
Fixed the long-standing quest instance bug
introduced feature: Level sync Actions, skipping over stacks if your player's level is not high enough a stack of target cure 2, target cure 1 will skip over cure 2 in level synced satasha
Fixed a bug with role actions and shared actions (like scholar/summoner res) bleeding between jobs an action stack on "Swiftcast" setup on white mage and Astrologian would conflict.
Moved the UI mouse over logic to instead rely on STRUCTS, making the only self-maintained sig the ground target queueing patch.
making a note here that 7.0 has launched, like before I'll work to get a working version to PR in as soon as Dalamud is in a Workable state.
preparatory to 7.0 I've been trying to move as many Self-maintained SIGs to use the ClientStructs instead & This will include the QOL changes I've done during the rest of endwalker.