atuinsh / atuin

✨ Magical shell history
MIT License
20.05k stars 541 forks source link

Thank you! #1000

Closed conradludgate closed 1 year ago

conradludgate commented 1 year ago

If all goes well, this will be issue number 1000.

It's been a fun 3 years working on this project, and I just want to thank everyone who has tried out or contributed to atuin over the years.

@ellie and I work on this project because we think it's just a really darn cool tool. But we certainly wouldn't be motivated to continue without the community love and support. We love seeing what people use atuin for and what they imagine it being used for in future.

If you read this and think you have a neat idea, please do tell us, either on our discord or in github. We really appreciate it.

If you've given a suggestion before and feel like we've missed it, please be assured we're considering lots of new things for atuin and every suggestion helps us ❤️

(nb, I notice the intro to the issue sounds like a goodbye note. It is not, ellie and I are not going anywhere. In fact, we're putting more time into atuin than ever before and we hope to increase that focus even more in future)

conradludgate commented 1 year ago

Now, soppy post out of the way, we're planning to sponsor a turtle at 10000 stars, which we are EXTREMELY CLOSE TO HITTING. Suggestions of turtle sanctuarys and preservation societies would be greatly appreciated