atuinsh / atuin

✨ Magical shell history
MIT License
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[Bug]: How to bind keys #2317

Open Jackwew opened 1 month ago

Jackwew commented 1 month ago

What did you expect to happen?

Unable to bind up-arrow

What happened?

Unable to bind up-arrow

After installing Autin using Cargo, it defaults to using Ctrl+R to wake it up, and cannot be awakened using Up Arrow

I hope you can answer my question. Thank you

Best wishes

Atuin doctor output

Atuin Doctor
Checking for diagnostics

Please include the output below with any bug reports or issues

  "atuin": {
    "version": "18.3.0",
    "sync": {
      "cloud": true,
      "records": true,
      "auto_sync": true,
      "last_sync": "2024-07-27 13:51:00.396108633 +00:00:00"
    "sqlite_version": "3.44.0"
  "shell": {
    "name": "zsh",
    "default": "zsh",
    "plugins": [
    "preexec": "built-in"
  "system": {
    "os": "Debian GNU/Linux",
    "arch": "x86_64",
    "version": "12",
    "disks": [
        "name": "/dev/nvme0n1p2",
        "filesystem": "ext4"
        "name": "/dev/nvme0n1p1",
        "filesystem": "vfat"
        "name": "overlay",
        "filesystem": "overlay"
        "name": "overlay",
        "filesystem": "overlay"
        "name": "overlay",
        "filesystem": "overlay"
        "name": "overlay",
        "filesystem": "overlay"
        "name": "overlay",
        "filesystem": "overlay"
        "name": "overlay",
        "filesystem": "overlay"
        "name": "overlay",
        "filesystem": "overlay"
        "name": "overlay",
        "filesystem": "overlay"
        "name": "overlay",
        "filesystem": "overlay"

Code of Conduct

r4hulrosh4n commented 1 month ago

I had this issue inside tmux cuz i had the binding to switch panes with just arrow keys