Open Kixiron opened 3 years ago
Any news on PowerShell support?
@ellie and I are not against getting some basic powershell support, but neither of us run powershell or have the time right now to get familiar.
We have started to partially and unofficially support windows builds now, so it'll be the powershell integration that needs investigating.
1) how can you hook into the prompt and detect key bindings 2) how can you monitor command start and end events 3) how can you update the prompt line with the search selection
Might be worth noting that Powershell is not a windows-only shell. I use it on my Linux machines and it's available for OSX as well.
I've been playing around with PowerShell support, see my prototype - you can import this file from your profile.
This mostly works for adding and updating the history. It's not perfect, e.g. it will include the time to render the prompt, which can be non-trivial in some cases.
I couldn't find a clean way to use redirection to capture the result from an interactive search, so I resorted to using a temporary file. It feels pretty slow on my VM but it seems to work.
One other thing I think PowerShell needs that doesn't apply to any other currently supported shell. PowerShell's notion of the current directory goes beyond the filesystem. atuin
should have an explicit parameter like atuin history --cwd hklm:\ -- ...
so PowerShell can specify these non-filesystem paths.
@ellie and I are not against getting some basic powershell support, but neither of us run powershell or have the time right now to get familiar.
We have started to partially and unofficially support windows builds now, so it'll be the powershell integration that needs investigating.
1. how can you hook into the prompt and detect key bindings 2. how can you monitor command start and end events 3. how can you update the prompt line with the search selection
This issue has been mentioned on Atuin Community. There might be relevant details there:
I would also love this feature!
In case people are interested, this almost works:
$env:ATUIN_SESSION = (atuin uuid | Out-String).Trim()
$env:ATUIN_HISTORY_ID = $null
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord Enter -ScriptBlock {
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)
if (-not $env:ATUIN_HISTORY_ID) {
$env:ATUIN_HISTORY_ID = (atuin history start -- $line | Out-String).Trim()
$global:ATUIN_HISTORY_ELAPSED = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$existingPromptFunction = Get-Item -Path Function:\prompt
Remove-Item -Path Function:\prompt
function prompt {
if ($env:ATUIN_HISTORY_ID) {
$durationNs = $global:ATUIN_HISTORY_ELAPSED.ElapsedTicks * 100
atuin history end --duration $durationNs --exit $exitCode -- $env:ATUIN_HISTORY_ID | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Path env:ATUIN_HISTORY_ID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
& $existingPromptFunction.ScriptBlock
# TODO: Fix all the bindings below
$InvokeAtuinSearch = {
$keymapMode = "emacs"
$line = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor)
$suggestion = (atuin search --keymap-mode=$keymapMode -i -- $line | Out-String).Trim()
if ($suggestion.StartsWith("__atuin_accept__:")) {
$suggestion = $suggestion.Substring(16)
else {
$InvokeAtuinUpSearch = {
$bufferContent = [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferContent()
if (-not $bufferContent.Contains("`n")) {
& $InvokeAtuinSearch -keymapMode "vim-normal"
else {
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "Ctrl+r" -ScriptBlock $InvokeAtuinSearch -BriefDescription "AtuinSearch" -Description "Invoke Atuin search for command history"
Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "UpArrow" -ScriptBlock $InvokeAtuinUpSearch -BriefDescription "AtuinUpSearch" -Description "Invoke Atuin up search or navigate history"
A fight has to be had with PSReadLine to allow Ctrl + R and UpArrow to work, and deal with Vim vs Emacs mode, but running atuin history list
seems to record all commands as expected.
Unfortunately, since PowerShell lacks precmd and postcmd hooks, it's hard to implement this in exactly the same way as other shells do. The recorded timing is a bit off: what I observe is the first couple of commands run in a new PowerShell session seem to get the time spent wrong (sometimes by as much as hundreds of ms), but afterwards the error decreases rapidly to about 10ms or 20ms.
If anyone has been using the above long term, and without major issue, it would be awesome to work towards getting it included
The key bindings don't work in the above, launching atuin interactive search by running Ctrl + R scrambles all characters in the screen. The issue has likely something to do with this: .
PSFzf does manage to successfully make things work, I think the reason is they are spawning a process within PowersShell with appropriate redirections as part of the PSReadLine chord binding, so whomever has the heart to deal with that might find that technique useful (see here: ).
PSFzf does manage to successfully make things work
Not exactly
But surly we can use a different chord - does it HAVE to be Ctrl+R ?
Would be lovely to get an update on this.
I absolutely love the project and would love to be able to use it within powershell