atularen / ngx-monaco-editor

Monaco Editor component for Angular 2 and Above
MIT License
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Change detection doesn't run when Model is updated. #241

Open aakashyap opened 2 years ago

aakashyap commented 2 years ago

I am trying to use ngx-monaco-editor to be able to load multiple files one at a time. I only have 1 instance of ngx-monaco-editor defined in my app-component.html file :

<ngx-monaco-editor [options]="options" [model]="model" [(ngModel)]="code"></ngx-monaco-editor> <button (click)="load()">Load file </button>

On click of a button (one corresponding to each file) I update the model for Monaco-editor to display the new code:

In app-component.ts:

load(): void { this.code = getCodeInClickedFile(); this.model = { ...this.model, value: this.code, language: 'json', uri: Uri.parse('a-b.json') }; }

As ngx-monaco-editor uses onPush strategy Issue-6, the above reference update of model object should have triggered Change detection. But the change detection is not triggered unless I press the buttons (or trigger any other event) twice. This is not the case when I want to update options as mentioned in Issue-6 above. I believe this is due to the fact that when option is updated the reference of options is getting updated whereas in case of model only the member property is updated which doesn't trigger onPush change detection strategy. The change takes effect only when a second event is triggered and change detection is executed.

Is my understanding correct? if not is there a workaround for code change to be visible as soon as the file is loaded (on click of a link or button)?


Disane87 commented 2 years ago

We can reproduce this issue aswell. Actually I don't found any workaround.

maks-humeniuk commented 1 year ago

In my case, if I have both [(ngModel)]="value" and [model]="model" on <ngx-monaco-editor>, then changing value programmatically doesn't update the editor value on UI. To do that I have to update the whole model like this: this.model = { value: this.value };.

Please note that model change triggers editor blur event.