Open mictadlo opened 5 years ago
Could you please paste content of your settings file?
@runType = G
@reference = /scratch/NbV1ChF.fasta
@userLibs = SRR1555764.fix.fastp.fasta,SRR1555765.fix.fastp.fasta,SRR6074038.fastp.fasta,SRR6074039.fastp.fasta,SRR935013.fastp.fasta,SRR947064.fastp.fasta
@libFormat = F
@phase = 21
<<< Optional Settings, leave empty to make index on fly and reuse, value in text>>>
@index = /scratch/NbV1ChF_index/NbV1ChF
<<< Advanced Settings, value in text>>>
@minDepth = 3
@clustBuffer = 300
@mismat = 3
Hi, It appears that PHASIS get stuck at the second round of
clusters have been scored
What did I miss?
Thank you in advance,