aturtur / cinema4d-scripts

My collection of Cinema 4D scripts
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Feature-Request: Axis-Tools #18

Open Vannipo opened 1 week ago

Vannipo commented 1 week ago

Again, your scripts are great and helped me a lot in the past.

Due to the fact, C4D is very weak at axis work, it would be great, if you can add some "tools". Right now, you can manipulate axis values by enabling the "axis mode" and enter values inside the coordinate manager. But not for multiple objects at once. That really sucks.

Just a suggestion!

Kind regards Vannipo

RanArkon commented 1 week ago

You can do that already using Reset Transform or Axis Center tool in "to Parent" mode.

Vannipo commented 1 week ago

No, you can't. I think, you misunderstood. Pls check, what "AR_AxisToOrigin" does. And try "Axis mode" -> "Enable Axis" default hotkey "L".

What you describe works for the object and not the axis only. But I talk about the axis, not the whole object.