aturtur / cinema4d-scripts

My collection of Cinema 4D scripts
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Uniform-Resizer? #9

Open VitalSkib opened 7 months ago

VitalSkib commented 7 months ago

Hey. Not really an issue, but rather a question. Do you have a script that allows you to scale an object uniformly? Something similar to this "Uniform-Resizer" plugin. It was useful, but stopped working after the R22 version and the author didn't want to update it further and not responding at all. Well, there are a couple of workarounds, like this one (video below), but it would be cool to have a "one-click" solution. tia

RanArkon commented 7 months ago

Cairyn has great script Proportional Resize -[search_query]=resize


It works for whole object or selected points inside object.

But it stopped to develop.

VitalSkib commented 7 months ago

But it stopped to develop.

Yeah, it is always a problem to rely on scripts and plugins from third party devs.. 😟

RanArkon commented 7 months ago

But it stopped to develop.

Yeah, it is always a problem to rely on scripts and plugins from third party devs.. 😟

It still works fine :) Also this is script not plugin so it will works forever.