atuttle / Taffy

:candy: The REST Web Service framework for ColdFusion and Lucee
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URI tokens should always show as required even if not declared required in the method #408

Open travpeck opened 3 years ago

travpeck commented 3 years ago

CF 2018 & Lucee 5.3.7 / Taffy 3.2 / Microsoft Edge

Broken links to

All links on the framework configuration modal are broken (via the config button).

Broken link with the below message as well:

Reload API cache button

Clicking the button doesn't refresh the dashboard with resource changes.

URI tokens

URI tokens need to be declared "required" on a method argument to display as required on the docs, otherwise they show up as "optional".


Unrelated, but ForgeBox is pointing at version 3.1 instead of 3.2.

Also isn't displaying the current taffy version (and the link to the change log is broken).

travpeck commented 3 years ago

This fixes the broken links within the dashboard.cfm template:

<cffunction name="getDocUrl">
    <cfargument name="item" />
    <cfreturn ",'-')#?id=" & lCase(item) />

For the reload API cache button, it looks like it was never attended to refresh the docs. That would require making an additional AJAX call to grab application._taffy and re-rendering the dashboard. Users can click the documentation button at anytime... so this isn't a big deal.

atuttle commented 3 years ago

Docs links fixed in #414

Clicking the [reload api cache] button doesn't refresh the dashboard with resource changes.

(As you figured out in your 2nd comment...) This is by design. The server's in-memory cache is updated, but changes are not reflected in the dashboard until a refresh. This allows you to reload to fix bugs in your resources without having to re-type all the details of a request you're testing. The message displayed after a reload also points this out:


URI tokens need to be declared "required" on a method argument to display as required on the docs, otherwise they show up as "optional".

This one's a good point. URI tokens would always be required so we should look to see if we can override the declared/implicit state for the docs.

Unrelated, but ForgeBox is pointing at version 3.1 instead of 3.2.

I'm parting ways with ForgeBox. Whether or not Taffy will stay there is uncertain. isn't displaying the current taffy version (and the link to the change log is broken).

Version 3.3.0 release is imminent so I'll get it fixed as part of that.