atuttle / atom-language-cfml

:space_invader: A CFML Language for the Atom Editor
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Syntax highlighting after strings that contain fully qualified URLs and variable output pounds (##) are broken after recent update to 0.10.0 #59

Closed infernocloud closed 8 years ago

infernocloud commented 9 years ago

This seems complicated. Some combination of the doubled slashes in http:// and the output pounds (##). It almost seems like its trying to do some kind of URL highlighting but doing it wrong.

Test strings that causes syntax highlighting to break: testUrl = ""; testUrl = "";

These strings do not break syntax highlighting: testUrl = "http:/"; testUrl = "http//"; testUrl = "";

atuttle commented 9 years ago

@elpete could this be related to your PR for ?

infernocloud commented 9 years ago

Oh interesting I didn't even think it could have been affected by another package. I disabled that package and syntax highlighting is working correctly. Should we close this issue here?

atuttle commented 9 years ago

No, let's leave this open for now, as that PR was submitted specifically to fix another bug (probably a simpler form of this one) in this project.

elpete commented 9 years ago

It sure sounds like it.

@infernocloud, are you sure this was working in prior versions of this package, or could it be you just noticed it at this time?

infernocloud commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry, I didn't get notified about these messages. Yes I'm sure syntax highlighting was correctly working before I updated packages in Atom.

elpete commented 9 years ago seems that the initial bug was noticed between v0.8.6 and v0.8.7 when the embedded-cf rule was added. Before that, they just looked like strings.

@infernocloud, do you know what version you updated from? Or can you verify that there was no embedded syntax highlighting before (but neither was it incorrectly highlighting strings)?

I just want to make sure we're fixing this in the right place.

atuttle commented 9 years ago

ping @infernocloud

elpete commented 9 years ago

Regardless of when the issue was introduced, I think this issue should be fixed with @tollus pull request over on language-hyperlink.

We'll leave this issue open until that pull request is merged.

dnando commented 8 years ago

I'm seeing syntax highlighting breaking down whenever a single # character is used, for instance with a jQuery selector. This seems to have started after I updated to the latest version (0.11.0). Disabling atom/language-hyperlink does not fix the issue for me.

scottyinzeo commented 8 years ago

noticing the same thing @dnando ... I'm also noticing that there are now two HTML (CFML) entries available when opening the syntax picker.

elpete commented 8 years ago

@scottyinzeo The duplicate HTML (CFML) entries are just a naming issue in the new injection grammar. That will be fixed in the next release. Sorry.

elpete commented 8 years ago

@dnando Fix for this should be in the next version. (Just pushed it up.)

elpete commented 8 years ago

Fixed in 0.12