atviriduomenys / spinta

Spinta is a framework to describe, extract and publish data (a DEP Framework).
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Cooperating backends (_id) #661

Open sirex opened 1 week ago

sirex commented 1 week ago

Currently we have to types of data backends:

A new type of data backend, called cooperating is not a separate type of backend, bet same thing as external backend, but some reserved properties might be provided by data source, which makes it a cooperating external backend.

Following is a list of properties, that can be supported by cooperating backends. These properties should be allowed in manifest tables, by providing possibility, so specify, which column has the same meaning as a reserved property or an action.


Specified as:

property type source uri
_id uuid some_uuid_column dcterms:identifier

When _id is given, the we do not need to use keymap, because global identifier is given by the data source. Instead of using keymap, some_uuid_column should be used.

If uri is given, _id should be added to RDF output, even if source is not given. If source is not given, then keymap is used to get _id value.

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