atwoodamanda / Facebook-Animations

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[iOS Designer Bootcamp] Facebook Animations - review my app #1

Open atwoodamanda opened 9 years ago

atwoodamanda commented 9 years ago

My app is complete (hooray!) please review. /cc @thecodepath

tonysherbondy commented 9 years ago

Overall, great job getting the main part of the assignment done by handling the custom transitions and figuring out how to get through the returning transition despite the troubles you ran into. One of the things you probably discovered with this assignment is that a lot of the headache is getting everything to look just right. If you look carefully at your image transitions the transition is not smooth going from the feed image to the zoomed in photo detail view. It is tricky to get everything right so that you set up the copy to go through all the steps to make a smooth transition, but that is what makes all the difference in the best controller transitions. Try to nail these details in the last HW assignment. It will really make all the difference in terms of what you take away from the class. Great work overall though!