atxhack4change / 2016-project-proposals

June 3-5, 2016 @ St. Edwards University
21 stars 6 forks source link

ATXBuldingConnect #10

Open BuffaloCloud opened 8 years ago

BuffaloCloud commented 8 years ago

Short description of the idea (140 character tweet):

An app that lets you inform ATX and private developers what you want in your ‘hood and gives two way communication for planned development btwn residents and City

What is your project concept or idea? What challenge or opportunity will it solve?

The app will allow residents to inform City departments what types of development they want in their neighborhood. The app will enable two-way communication. City departments will solicit community input on current projects and will be able to determine if there is support for them. Resident will be able to notify City departments of unwanted development in their neighborhoods.

Who will benefit from your project? Describe the humans at the center of the problem - who are they?

Residents, especially in East Austin, Rundburg, and other under represented areas will have a way of having their voices heard when it comes to developments in their neighborhoods.

How would they benefit? Can you tell their story?

Community feedback has been amorphous. It needs to be targeted to the right department for the right reasons. I can tell their story especially folks in East Austin.

Do you have photos of them? Or quotes?

I can get them.

Issue area(s) relevant to your project idea:

[Look at the right sidebar :arrow_upper_right: ! Do you see the Labels? Pick a few]

I've discussed the idea with 20 East Austin residents and they are supportive of it.

Do you have any links to text, mockups, code, or data?

I do not.

Tell us about yourself.

I am a small business owner who lives in District 1.

What is your background? Why is this challenge important to you?

I do not like seeing people priced out of their homes because the taxes triple in a year just because of gentrification. Current residents should be able to have a say in the type of homes, industries, and "improvements" that are made in their neighborhoods.

Are you representing a group in submitting this project idea?


mateoclarke commented 8 years ago

Thanks @BuffaloCloud, I've added some labels based on your answer.

BuffaloCloud commented 8 years ago

THANK YOU Christine MosesBuffalo Cloud Consulting LLCPO Box 144132Austin, TX 78714Phone: 512-215-4436Cell: 860-803-5511BuffaloCloudConsulting.comBuffalocloudconsulting@yahoo.comTexas Certified Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)Austin MBE and WBE, U.S. DOT DBE Certified

  From: Mateo Clarke <>

To: atxhack4change/2016-project-proposals Cc: BuffaloCloud; Mention Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 7:11 PM Subject: Re: [atxhack4change/2016-project-proposals] ATXBuldingConnect (#10)

Thanks @BuffaloCloud, I've added some labels based on your answer.— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

ssharif1 commented 8 years ago


Hello Project Champion,

Please provide the following: Full Name + Email Address You can comment here or send to

We are going to be sending out a note + newsletter to our 345 (as of May 18) attendees sharing our submitted projects before the event and your hackers will want to know who you are. Additionally, we have PC-specific communication that we want to make sure that you are included on.

Thanks, ATX H4C Staff

mateoclarke commented 8 years ago

Hi @BuffaloCloud! You're project has been accepted!

Now that your project has been approved, here are some things we suggest you do next:

You will receive an email in the next few days asking you to confirming your speaking slot for the Saturday morning pitches.

Please let us know if you will no longer be able to champion your project at the hackathon.

BuffaloCloud commented 8 years ago

Wow! This is mighty cool.Thanks for letting me know.I will be there to champion it.Thank you!Chris Christine MosesBuffalo Cloud Consulting LLCPO Box 144132Austin, TX 78714Phone: 512-215-4436Cell: 860-803-5511BuffaloCloudConsulting.comBuffalocloudconsulting@yahoo.comTexas Certified Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)Austin MBE and WBE, U.S. DOT DBE Certified

  From: Mateo Clarke <>

To: atxhack4change/2016-project-proposals Cc: BuffaloCloud; Mention Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:42 PM Subject: Re: [atxhack4change/2016-project-proposals] ATXBuldingConnect (#10)

Hi @BuffaloCloud! You're project has been accepted!Now that your project has been approved, here are some things we suggest you do next: will receive an email in the next few days asking you to confirming your speaking slot for the Saturday morning pitches. Please let us know if you will no longer be able to champion your project at the hackathon.— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

mateoclarke commented 8 years ago

You could also be looking into what data the city provides on upcoming developments.

Here are some leads for you to explore:

BuffaloCloud commented 8 years ago

Yes!I found the pending projects site the other day when I presented at the City's Open Data meeting. I found it while I was sitting at the meeting. I will be using it as a starting point. There may not be a lot to do other than to notify people of its existence and somehow connect the community response to the right department. All good. Thank you so much for your guidance. I'll be asking you questions over the weekend. I'll work on this on Monday. Chris Christine MosesBuffalo Cloud Consulting LLCPO Box 144132Austin, TX 78714Phone: 512-215-4436Cell: 860-803-5511BuffaloCloudConsulting.comBuffalocloudconsulting@yahoo.comTexas Certified Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)Austin MBE and WBE, U.S. DOT DBE Certified

  From: Mateo Clarke <>

To: atxhack4change/2016-project-proposals Cc: BuffaloCloud; Mention Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 9:47 PM Subject: Re: [atxhack4change/2016-project-proposals] ATXBuldingConnect (#10)

You could also be looking into what data the city provides on upcoming developments. Here are some leads for you to explore:— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

danielhonker commented 8 years ago

@BuffaloCloud - you should have received an invite to join Slack. If you haven't already joined the team and seen the Slack channel for your project, it's #atxbuildingconnect. We'll be sending out an email with details on pitches soon.