atxhack4change / 2016-project-proposals

June 3-5, 2016 @ St. Edwards University
21 stars 6 forks source link

BlueChasm Smart Sprinkler System #12

Open rtvanals opened 8 years ago

rtvanals commented 8 years ago

Short description of the idea (140 character tweet):

Create a smart sprinkler system utilizing moisture sensors, historic & current weather data, and city water restriction information

What is your project concept or idea? What challenge or opportunity will it solve?

Our concept is to create a sprinkler system that will automatically turn on and off based on a variety of factors. We will be providing APIs to access historic and current weather data as well as city water restrictions. We will also provide moisture sensors and other necessary hardware.

Who will benefit from your project? Describe the humans at the center of the problem - who are they?

How would they benefit? Can you tell their story?

Do you have photos of them? Or quotes?

Saving water is a big benefit for everyone in the world. This will be mainly aimed towards farmers and greenhouses which require to irrigate often. They would see a big difference in their water consumption which would help them save money and protect the environment. Proper irrigation also promotes healthier plants so the product that they grow will improve in quality as well

Issue area(s) relevant to your project idea:

We have the hardware and a good understanding of the process it takes to make it work. There is no code yet.

Water restriction data can be found here:

Some optional functionality hackers can try:

We are a company called BlueChasm. We develop cloud based apps & IoT solutions. We have a very unique mix of seasoned iOS/Bluemix developers, analytics experts, MBA consultant types, and long-time veterans of the IBM ecosystem. We build solutions utilizing IBM's unique platforms (especially Watson).

mateoclarke commented 8 years ago

Thanks for submitting this idea @rtvanals! I've added some labels based on your responses. I thought it might also be relevant to include a link to a recent article that gives some background on the newly introduced permanent watering restrictions that the City Council just passed that could inform some of the logic in your system.

City Council voted Thursday to approve an ordinance that will permanently restrict residents from using automatic sprinklers on their lawns more than once a week.

mateoclarke commented 8 years ago

I also updated the title to be a bit more descriptive, hope you don't mind.

ssharif1 commented 8 years ago


Hello Project Champion,

Please provide the following: Full Name + Email Address You can comment here or send to

We are going to be sending out a note + newsletter to our 345 (as of May 18) attendees sharing our submitted projects before the event and your hackers will want to know who you are. Additionally, we have PC-specific communication that we want to make sure that you are included on.

Thanks, ATX H4C Staff

mateoclarke commented 8 years ago

You're project has been accepted, @rtvanals!

Now that your project has been approved, here are some things we suggest you do next:

You will receive an email in the next few days asking you to confirming your speaking slot for the Saturday morning pitches.

Please let us know if you will no longer be able to champion your project at the hackathon.

danielhonker commented 8 years ago

@rtvanals - you should have received an invite to join Slack. If you haven't already joined the team and seen the Slack channel for your project, it's #smart-sprinklers. We'll be sending out an email with details on pitches soon.

rtvanals commented 8 years ago

@danielhonker I am signed up for the Slack and a member of the #smart-sprinklers channel. Thanks.