atxhack4change / 2016-project-proposals

June 3-5, 2016 @ St. Edwards University
21 stars 6 forks source link

Mapping Austin's Culture #28

Open Shirley-R opened 8 years ago

Shirley-R commented 8 years ago

Short description of the idea (140 character tweet):

Where does Austin’s culture and creativity live? Help CAMP: the Cultural Asset Mapping Project create a map of where art, culture, and creativity happen in Austin.

What is your project concept or idea? What challenge or opportunity will it solve?

CAMP, the Cultural Asset Mapping Project is an initiative from the City of Austin Economic Development Department and Cultural Arts Division to collect much needed information on Austin’s cultural facilities, creative resources, and the people that are integral to our city’s culture and identity. Through a 3-month process of community conversations and mapping exercises, CAMP aims to create a publicly-available, comprehensive dataset of Austin’s cultural assets.

We hope to take our data collection one step further and open up the conversation online by using a web-mapping tool to allow participants to explore existing points and submit their own. We are looking for some creative minds to help us develop a way to map and compile responses to the question- “where does your creativity and culture live?” We have been playing around with possible prototypes, but need some help taking our tool from simple to WOW!

We can imagine a whole range of uses for data collected through CAMP, but some key challenges CAMP data can help address are… Give Austinites the tools to find, explore, and fully utilize available cultural facilities and resources Inform City planning and decision making in creative space development Encourage professional development within the creative sector Support the promotion of cultural assets for visitors and residents alike Identify and plan for culturally underserved areas Encourage new connections to develop across creative disciplines

Who will benefit from your project? Describe the humans at the center of the problem - who are they?

How would they benefit? Can you tell their story?

Do you have photos of them? Or quotes?

Who will benefit: Artists, Creatives, all Austinites thirsty for cultural connections and creative expression and anyone that loves Austin for being a place where creativity is encouraged and supported!

It is no secret that Austin is in a space crisis as rents rise limiting space available for Austin’s creativity and culture to flourish. News of theaters, venues, and individual artists being priced out of their long-time artistic homes has become sadly too common-place and the limitations on space put not only artists at risk of losing space, but also chips away at the culture touchstones and atmosphere of creative exploration that lies at the heart of Austin’s “weirdness” and cultural identity.

Equipped with up-to-date and more easily accessible information, Austin’s creative sector and the City departments that help support their development should be better able to understand their needs and better incorporate arts and culture in the lives of all Austinites. We hope the data collected through CAMP will be the first big step in helping better plan for our city’s creative spaces and cultural identity.

Issue area(s) relevant to your project idea:

We here at the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division have been making plans to roll out our series of 10 district-wide community meetings and mapping exercises over the summer of 2016. We are hoping to also launch our online survey/interactive mapping tool in June, but could use some help further developing our initial prototype.

We’ve got a github set up thanks to some help from Hailey Pate and have started working on a web map based off of a template developed by Derek Eder:

Check out our github page here to see our current template and issues:

Tell us about yourself.

What is your background? Why is this challenge important to you?

Are you representing a group in submitting this project idea?

I am part of the CAMP Team within the City of Austin’s Cultural Arts Division. We are working within the Economic Development Department to figure out how to collect, compile, and share our information on Austin’s cultural facilities. We don’t have any coders or programmers on our team, but have been working closely with outside help and other “CAMP counselors” who have been volunteering their advice and skills to help us expand and hack our project.

danielhonker commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the submission @Shirley-R... and great to see some City representation! I added some labels.

ssharif1 commented 8 years ago

Hello Shirley,

Please provide the following: Full Name + Email Address You can comment here or send to

We are going to be sending out a note + newsletter to our 372 (as of May 23) attendees sharing our submitted projects before the event and your hackers will want to know who you are. Additionally, we have PC-specific communication that we want to make sure that you are included on.

Thanks, ATX H4C Staff

danielhonker commented 8 years ago

You're in, @Shirley-R! We invite you to pitch your project at the 2016 ATX Hack for Change!

Now that your project has been approved, here are some things we suggest you do next:

If you haven't sent us your contact information, please do so now.

You will receive an email shortly regarding you speaking slot for the Saturday morning pitches. Please let us know if you will no longer be able to champion your project at the hackathon.

danielhonker commented 8 years ago

@Shirley-R - you should have received an invite to join the Slack team for the hackathon. If you haven't already joined and seen the Slack channel for your project, it's #culturemap. We'll be sending out an email with details on pitches soon.