atyenoria / react-native-webrtc-janus-gateway

Video conference system for mobile application. Base technology is react-native-webrtc + Janus Webrtc Gateway
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Janus streaming not work #5

Closed NatChung closed 6 years ago

NatChung commented 6 years ago

Hi I am using Janus gateway to streaming RTP to RTCView, but it only works in rn-less-40, like this sample:, but when I switch the newest version (1.58.3) , it doesn't work and doesn't show any error message

atyenoria commented 6 years ago

I don't know why that happens. Can you try the streaming plugin by modifying this repo?

NatChung commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply, I fixed the problem. the problem in Android is an H264 codec issue, Each time streaming coming, the Android logcat shows codec been released, therefore I can't see any video on the screen. So I copy the older version webrtc.framework and webrtc.jar to iOS and Android and it works(Need to fixed some compile issue). for some reason, I can't use old react-native

atyenoria commented 6 years ago

Great. Thank you for the info.