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Proposal: Array Modification by higher-order Functions #331

Open gteege opened 4 years ago

gteege commented 4 years ago

For the development of builtin arrays (#319) I propose to support modification of boxed arrays not by take/put operations for elements, instead use higher order functions which apply a modification function to one or more elements.

A modification function has the type

(T, In) -> (T, Out)

where T is a boxed type and In and Out are arbitrary types for auxiliary data. Additionally, a modification function must have the property that the first component of the result is constructed from the first component of the argument by only applying take- and put-operations and other modification functions. In C this means it returns the same pointer (address) without deallocating and reallocating it in between.

Now, to modify a single element of an array, use an (abstract) higher-order function such as

modref: (Arr,(Idx,Modfun,In)) -> (Arr,Out)
type Modfun = (Elp, In) -> (Elp, Out)

where Arr is the type for the boxed array and Elp is the (boxed) type of pointer to array elements (for arbitrary non-record element type El use the record type {cont: El}). ModFun is a modification function type.

The call modref(a,(i,f,d)) invokes f on the i-th element of a with d as auxiliary input (in C: f(&a[i],d)) and returns the modified a and the second component of f's result. This is semantically equivalent to taking the element, storing it on the heap, applying f to a pointer to it, removing it from the heap, and putting it back into the same array element.

The linear type restrictions are automatically respected here, even if type In is linear: since there cannot be sharing between a and d in the call to modref, and a[i] is a subregion of a, there cannot be sharing between &a[i] and d in the call to f.

As I see it, this approach has the following advantages:

It seems to me that the only extension required for Cogent is a new category of types for modification functions. For these types the refinement proof must additionally prove the property given above, that the C function returns the same pointer.

zilinc commented 2 years ago

also see cogent/lib/gum/common/vector.cogent on bilby-buffer branch. modref ~ focus_vector.