auQuiksilver / Apex-Framework

Apex Framework
MIT License
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Framework does not initiate properly after auto-restart #11

Closed watanabemayuyu1994 closed 4 years ago

watanabemayuyu1994 commented 4 years ago

After using the frame-work for one month, I find out a problem bothers me a lot. The framework seems not initated properly sometimes after auto-restart. There will be no missions and no vehicles. But after I manually restart the server once or twice, everything seems going back to normal. I asked couple fellow server owners that also using the apex-framework and find out it's not just me who has this problem. Since no one have been reporting this issue here or in forum, I wonder whether this issue really is universal.

The following error code is what i found in server rpt. 14:55:12 Error in expression <m 1) > 0.666) then { _QS_simulateRain = _QS_overcastArray # 1; } else { _QS_simu> 14:55:12 Error position: <_QS_overcastArray # 1; } else { _QS_simu> 14:55:12 Error Undefined variable in expression: _qs_overcastarray 14:55:12 File code\functions\fn_core.sqf [QS_fnc_core]..., line 640 14:55:12 Error in expression <else { _QS_simulateRain = FALSE; }; if (_QS_simulateRain) then { _QS_rainSimulat> 14:55:12 Error position: <_QS_simulateRain) then { _QS_rainSimulat> 14:55:12 Error Undefined variable in expression: _qs_simulaterain 14:55:12 File code\functions\fn_core.sqf [QS_fnc_core]..., line 644 14:55:30 BEServer: registering a new player #1545226788