aubreyja / ww_install

WeBWorK Install Script
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WW3 #62

Closed goehle closed 10 years ago

goehle commented 10 years ago

In order to install WW3 the script needs to do the following:

1) Install the modules cpan Template cpan Dancer::Plugin::Database cpan Array::Utils cpan File::Find::Rule cpan Dancer -- install Dancer cpan Plack::Runner cpan Plack::Handler::FCGI cpan Path::Class cpan FCGI

2) Install fcgid (or maybe fastcgi but that can mess with the config file) yum install mod_fcgid apt-get install libapache2-mod-fcgid

3) Set up the configuration files.
a) webwork3.conf This needs to be copied over from webwork3.conf.dist. The paths need to be set and the webworkWrite password needs to be set.
b) localOverrides.conf This needs to be copied/updated from localOverrides.conf.dist. Of particular importance is the "ww3 => 1" line in the %showEditors hash. c) webwork-apache2.config or webwork-apache2.4.config This needs to be updated from the correspinding dist file. Of particular importance is the code block

my $webwork3_htdocs_dir = $webwork_dir."/webwork3/public";
# Set up /webwork3 to point to the dispatch cgi
push @Alias, [ "/webwork3/js" => "$webwork3_htdocs_dir/js"];
push @Alias, [ "/webwork3/css" => "$webwork3_htdocs_dir/css"];
push @Alias, [ "/webwork3/images" => "$webwork3_htdocs_dir/images"];
push @PerlConfig, "ScriptAlias /webwork3 $webwork3_htdocs_dir/dispatch.fcgi";

# Allow cgi to run in the webwork3 dir
$Directory{"$webwork3_htdocs_dir"} = {
    AllowOverride => "None",
    Options => "+ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch",
    Order => "allow,deny",
    Allow => "from all",
    AddHandler => "fcgid-script .fcgi",

This should go inside the mod_perl block (before ). Big "gotcha" is the handler name. It seems to be fcgid-script for most things (assuming you are using fcgid and not fcgi) but might not be and doesn't produce useful error messages if you fail.

goehle commented 10 years ago

I'm checking in to let you know where I am at with this. I'm getting pretty close to having everything working smoothly. I got all the way to having dancer running and responsive on an automatic Ubuntu install the other day. The two issues I"m still wrestling with are

Also on the todo list is to check the ww3 installation branch against release/2.9 since release/2.9 has the apache24 modifications and we will need the new install script to deal with that.

goehle commented 10 years ago

I've gotten clean installs on

The only remaining problem is that in the Ubuntu and Fedora installs PG doesn't seem to work. I get Undefined subroutine &main::_PG_init as an error when I try to render a problem. I dont know if this is a WeBWorK or ww_install issue.

goehle commented 10 years ago

The _PG_init issue is a PG problem, not a ww_install problem. So I think we are looking pretty good on this. We should really pull this into master so that when release 2.9 comes down the road we will have an apache2.4 enabled version good to go. I'll leave it up to Jason to decide how that works, though.