auchenberg / dependo

Visualize your CommonJS or AMD module dependencies in a force directed graph report.
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persistent node positions #17

Closed naugtur closed 9 years ago

naugtur commented 9 years ago

Added persisting node positions to localStorage based on a hash of graph data source path and configuration. Nodes get saved a second after last mouse event in a row. When saved, the data gets logged in the console too, so one can copy-paste it to the html file to store it cross-browser.

btw. removed underscore from html file as it's no longer needed. I'd remove jQuery dependency too, but I'm lazy.

auchenberg commented 9 years ago

Looks good, remove the console.log, and I'll merge it in, thanks a bunch man!

naugtur commented 9 years ago

Hi, you never responded to my justification for the console.log in there. If that's a strong no I can remove it and let's merge.

auchenberg commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I'm currently traveling Asia. I'd prefer if we keep console.logs out of the code, and find an better way to "dump" the data, if needed.

naugtur commented 9 years ago

Ok, there you go. I'll see if I have time to make something nicer to dump the data.

auchenberg commented 9 years ago

LGTM :+1:

auchenberg commented 9 years ago

Thanks a bunch for the contribution!