auchenberg / dependo

Visualize your CommonJS or AMD module dependencies in a force directed graph report.
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inject a module-deps json file produced by browserify to analyse #23

Open wadouk opened 9 years ago

wadouk commented 9 years ago

Hi, I try to use dependo to analyse my dependency graph. I think I have understand that --deps of browserify build a json in module-deps format. Is it currently the json format expected by dependo ? (seems don't) I prefer to plug dependo on json output instead of the real code, because of browserify transformers applied on my source (babelify for es6 and jsx).

Thanks for any help.

auchenberg commented 9 years ago

Dependo can parse AMD, CommonJS and ES6 modules. I don't know if module-deps is a new format generated by Browserify, if it is, support has to be added.

wadouk commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your quick answer. Dependo has a -f option that could be json. Do you have a sample of the expected format ?

auchenberg commented 9 years ago

Yes, you can see the details here