auchenberg / volkswagen

:see_no_evil: Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.
MIT License
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Prefer using 'noop' library #90

Open envp opened 5 years ago

envp commented 5 years ago't/the/source/files/you're/looking/for.js#L4

(Disclaimer: My work with node-noop is a noop)

envp commented 5 years ago

We don't want them thinking we cheated.

Asday commented 5 years ago

Is that package also a joke?

andrastothtw commented 5 years ago

Well, it will truly be a joke when the next npm token virus hits and noop will take on other responsibilities.

envp commented 5 years ago

Is that package also a joke?

I think so the author has 'ironically-shitty' tag on the repo

grantholly commented 5 years ago

@vaibhav-y I couldn't agree more with you. In keeping with the highest quality enterprise software design best practices, you just don't roll your own noop. It is too hard to implement correctly in-house and there are proven public options out there.

envp commented 5 years ago

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Asday commented 5 years ago

Is that package also a joke?

I think so the author has 'ironically-shitty' tag on the repo

Aah, left-pad-level-dumb-module also.

Sometimes it's hard to tell with javascript.

jamesmhaley commented 2 years ago

Is that package also a joke?

At time of writing.... 25,979 weekly downloads

Oh boy.

strugee commented 2 years ago

25,979 weekly downloads

npm themselves have said ([citation needed] cause I can't be bothered to look it up) that there's a baseline level of noise in those numbers from bots, mirrors of the registry, etc. so I wouldn't put too much stock in that number.

Asday commented 2 years ago some literal geniuses have actually used that package as if it wasn't a joke, which is very postmodern.

I didn't bother doing an extensive search for active projects, but this is too high effort to be playing along with the joke.