auchenberg / volkswagen

:see_no_evil: Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.
MIT License
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Add demo gif to README #95

Closed va3093 closed 5 years ago

va3093 commented 5 years ago

Disclaimer: This is a bot

It looks like your repo is trending. The github_trending_videos Instgram account automatically shows the demo gifs of trending repos in Github.

Your README doesn't seem to have any demo gifs. Add one and the next time the parser runs it will pick it up and post it on its Instagram feed. If you don't want to just close this issue we won't bother you again.

watson commented 5 years ago

Dear Mr. Robot 🤖

You are mistaken. We have a glorious GIF at the top of our README showing the code in action:

As you can see it lays dormant under normal opperation, but wakes up as soon as it discovers a CI environment.

- Yours truly