audacious-media-player / audacious

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Audacious shows bad length for some mp3s. #349

Closed Audacious-Bot closed 5 months ago

Audacious-Bot commented 5 months ago

Author Name: first last Original Redmine Issue: Original Date: 2012-11-16

For some mp3 files, audacious (3.3.2) will show the length as 27:03:11 on the GTK interface or 1623:11 on the Winamp interface. Totem (2.32.0 with gstreamer 0.10.36) shows the correct time for these files.

Audacious-Bot commented 5 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: John Lindgren Original Date: 2012-11-18T20:32:14Z

Not a bug. Look at a hex dump of the file and you will see the following:

000000e0 72 00 67 00 2f 00 29 00 54 4c 45 4e 00 00 00 09 |r.g./.).TLEN....| 000000f0 00 00 00 39 37 33 39 31 35 34 38 54 49 54 32 00 |...97391548TIT2.|

The ID3 tag contains a TLEN field set to 97391548 milliseconds, or 27:03:11.548 hh:mm:ss. Audacious is reporting the length correctly.

Audacious-Bot commented 5 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Phil Kasten Original Date: 2012-11-28T11:32:04Z

There really seems to be something to this issue (I am seeing it, too). What is interesting is that the "correct" duration is reported by other tools, such as totem.

Starting with a .flac file, I use the following command to create a .mp3: ffmpeg -i some.flac -ab 256k some.mp3

Audacious shows the "incorrect" duration for some.mp3. I tried to locate the TLEN value, but I didn't see one in a hex dump. I have attached an example mp3.

Audacious reports this as having a duration of 21:24. Totem reports it as 2:40.

Launching audacious from bash, I see the following message: Unknown tuple field name "encoder".

Audacious-Bot commented 5 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Michael Schwendt Original Date: 2013-04-12T00:33:28Z

Is this file bad, too?

Audacious (based on libmpg123-1.15.1) displays a size of 0:01 whereas mpg123 shows 2:45 (and MC shows 02:45.85).

Audacious-Bot commented 5 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Michael Schwendt Original Date: 2013-04-12T00:49:53Z

MC (Midnight Commander) runs "mpg123 -vtn1" on the file (which is verbose info, no audio output, only one frame) and then extracts the displayed length:

$ mpg123 -vn1 gibs\ -\ Cannon\ Fodder\ -\ Of\ Blood\ And\ Honor.mp3 2>&1|grep Fra Frame# 0 [ 6349], Time: 00:00.00 [02:45.85], RVA: off, Vol: 100(100)

Audacious-Bot commented 5 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Michael Schwendt Original Date: 2013-04-15T09:09:25Z

So, while the file from comment 3 also reports the wrong duration 21:24.15 when using mpg123 -tvn1 …, the one from comment 4 is a VBR track where an implementation to determine the duration seems to be missing.

Audacious-Bot commented 5 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: abel thorne Original Date: 2014-06-06T18:34:31Z

I have a similar problem with some MP3 files too, although in my case Audacious reports the same wrong time in the GTK and Winamp interfaces. E.g. 30:31 for a song that's 4:01 long. The duration is correct in Totem and VLC. Properties in Nautilus file manager are right too.

You say it's not a bug because The ID3 tag is wrong (don't know if that's the same in my case but whatever). Well, maybe Audacious shouldn't rely on random values in tags, then. Other softwares show the right duration, I don't understand why Audacious wouldn't read it the same way and display the correct value.

Using Audacious 3.5 on Ubuntu 14.04.

Audacious-Bot commented 5 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Bernhard Schülke Original Date: 2014-10-17T23:52:21Z

The problem still exists: Downloaded file in comment #3 and another mp3-file from the internet.

Version Audacious: 3.5.1 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Deadbeaf shows the right length. If it's not bug: Netherless audacious could show the right length...

Audacious-Bot commented 5 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: John Lindgren Original Date: 2014-10-18T06:03:50Z

The fix for #441 should improve the situation in 3.6.