audacity / audacity

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Multi-channel "tracks" don't react to "fit-to-height" #4648

Open saintmatthieu opened 1 year ago

saintmatthieu commented 1 year ago

Bug description

Multi-channel tracks (visually presented as multiple mono tracks) don't react when executing "fit-to-height", whether through the View menu or the keyboard shortcut (on Windows). Mono or stereo track heights, if any, do still get adjusted, though, such that all tracks (including multi-channel ones) correctly fit the screen.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Audio Settings > Recording Channels: select 3 or more,
  2. Record a bit of audio.
  3. Press Ctrl+shift+F to fit tracks vertically.

Expected behavior

The multi-channel track fits the height of the track panel.

Actual behavior

The multi-channel track's height doesn't get adjusted.

Audacity Version

latest stable version (from

Operating system

Windows, macOS

dozzzzer commented 1 year ago

I confirm this on macOS as well: image