audeering / opensmile-python

Python package for openSMILE
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I want to change the window width and step width of the frame in openSMILE #42

Open Zinc0816 opened 3 years ago

Zinc0816 commented 3 years ago


As the title says, I want to change the window width and step width of the frame in openSMILE. (For example,frameSize:0.025→0.050,frameStep:0.010→0.020)

Can I ask you how to do this? (I'm sorry, I am not a native speaker of English, so my writing may be unnatural.)

chausner-audeering commented 3 years ago

You can make a copy of the config you would like to adapt, apply the changes in frameSize and frameStep there, and then run it via the openSMILE Python library as described at

Zinc0816 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your answer! In addition to this, I would like to ask how to change the component if it is not in the .conf file but in the .inc file? I want to change the frame settings for LLD extraction in ComParE_2016, how do I do that?

chausner-audeering commented 3 years ago

There is no difference in the format of .conf and .inc files. The only difference is that .inc files get included from other config files.

To change frame parameters in ComParE_2016, make a copy of all configs in and then adapt the settings, e.g. Then specify the copy of ComParE_2016.conf in the call to opensmile.Smile, as demonstrated at

Zinc0816 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your answer again!

I tried what you said without modifying the code first, but I got the following error. What could be the cause of this? "opensmile.core.SMILEapi.OpenSmileException: Code: 6". I checked and it seems to be related to threading...

I've attached the contents of the config file I created below. (However, it is a copy of the two contents of ComParE_2016.conf and, the code on GitHub. So it may be a little different from the writing style described in ( I'm trying to find the difference myself, but what's wrong...?)

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[dataMemory].type=cDataMemory

;;; default source {\cm[source{?}:source include config]}

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_frame60].type=cFramer instance[is13_win60].type=cWindower instance[is13_fft60].type=cTransformFFT instance[is13_fftmp60].type=cFFTmagphase

[is13_frame60:cFramer] reader.dmLevel=wave writer.dmLevel=is13_frame60 {\cm[bufferModeRbConf{../shared/}:path to included config to set the buffer mode for the standard ringbuffer levels]} frameSize = 0.060 frameStep = 0.010 frameCenterSpecial = left

[is13_win60:cWindower] reader.dmLevel=is13_frame60 writer.dmLevel=is13_winG60 winFunc=gauss gain=1.0 sigma=0.4

[is13_fft60:cTransformFFT] reader.dmLevel=is13_winG60 writer.dmLevel=is13_fftcG60 zeroPadSymmetric = 1

[is13_fftmp60:cFFTmagphase] reader.dmLevel=is13_fftcG60 writer.dmLevel=is13_fftmagG60



[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_frame25].type=cFramer instance[is13_win25].type=cWindower instance[is13_fft25].type=cTransformFFT instance[is13_fftmp25].type=cFFTmagphase

[is13_frame25:cFramer] reader.dmLevel=wave writer.dmLevel=is13_frame25 {\cm[bufferModeRbConf]} frameSize = 0.020 frameStep = 0.010 frameCenterSpecial = left

[is13_win25:cWindower] reader.dmLevel=is13_frame25 writer.dmLevel=is13_winH25 winFunc=hamming

[is13_fft25:cTransformFFT] reader.dmLevel=is13_winH25 writer.dmLevel=is13_fftcH25 zeroPadSymmetric = 1

[is13_fftmp25:cFFTmagphase] reader.dmLevel=is13_fftcH25 writer.dmLevel=is13_fftmagH25

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HPS pitch

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_scale].type=cSpecScale instance[is13_shs].type=cPitchShs

[is13_scale:cSpecScale] reader.dmLevel=is13_fftmagG60 writer.dmLevel=is13_hpsG60 copyInputName = 1 processArrayFields = 0 scale=octave sourceScale = lin interpMethod = spline minF = 25 maxF = -1 nPointsTarget = 0 specSmooth = 1 specEnhance = 1 auditoryWeighting = 1

[is13_shs:cPitchShs] reader.dmLevel=is13_hpsG60 writer.dmLevel=is13_pitchShsG60 {\cm[bufferModeRbLagConf{../shared/}:path to included config to set the buffer mode for levels which will be joint with Viterbi smoothed -lagged- F0]} copyInputName = 1 processArrayFields = 0 maxPitch = 620 minPitch = 52 nCandidates = 6 scores = 1 voicing = 1 F0C1 = 0 voicingC1 = 0 F0raw = 1 voicingClip = 1 voicingCutoff = 0.700000 inputFieldSearch = Mag_octScale octaveCorrection = 0 nHarmonics = 15 compressionFactor = 0.850000 greedyPeakAlgo = 1

;;;;; Pitch with Viterbi smoother [componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_energy60].type=cEnergy

[is13_energy60:cEnergy] reader.dmLevel=is13_winG60 writer.dmLevel=is13_e60 ; This must be > than buffersize of viterbi smoother {\cm[bufferModeRbLagConf]} rms=1 log=0

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_pitchSmoothViterbi].type=cPitchSmootherViterbi

[is13_pitchSmoothViterbi:cPitchSmootherViterbi] reader.dmLevel=is13_pitchShsG60 reader2.dmLevel=is13_pitchShsG60 writer.dmLevel=is13_pitchG60_viterbi {\cm[bufferModeRbLagConf]} copyInputName = 1 bufferLength=30 F0final = 1 F0finalEnv = 0 voicingFinalClipped = 0 voicingFinalUnclipped = 1 F0raw = 0 voicingC1 = 0 voicingClip = 0 wTvv =10.0 wTvvd= 5.0 wTvuv=10.0 wThr = 4.0 wTuu = 0.0 wLocal=2.0 wRange=1.0

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_volmerge].type = cValbasedSelector

[is13_volmerge:cValbasedSelector] reader.dmLevel = is13_e60;is13_pitchG60_viterbi writer.dmLevel = is13_pitchG60 {\cm[bufferModeRbLagConf]} idx=0 threshold=0.001 removeIdx=1 zeroVec=1 outputVal=0.0

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Voice Quality (VQ)

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_pitchJitter].type=cPitchJitter

[is13_pitchJitter:cPitchJitter] reader.dmLevel = wave writer.dmLevel = is13_jitterShimmer {\cm[bufferModeRbLagConf]} copyInputName = 1 F0reader.dmLevel = is13_pitchG60 F0field = F0final searchRangeRel = 0.250000 jitterLocal = 1 jitterDDP = 1 jitterLocalEnv = 0 jitterDDPEnv = 0 shimmerLocal = 1 shimmerLocalEnv = 0 onlyVoiced = 0 logHNR = 1 inputMaxDelaySec = 2.0 ;periodLengths = 0 ;periodStarts = 0 useBrokenJitterThresh = 0

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Energy / loudness

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_energy].type=cEnergy instance[is13_melspec1].type=cMelspec instance[is13_audspec].type=cPlp instance[is13_audspecRasta].type=cPlp instance[is13_audspecSum].type=cVectorOperation instance[is13_audspecRastaSum].type=cVectorOperation

[is13_energy:cEnergy] reader.dmLevel = is13_frame25 writer.dmLevel = is13_energy log=0 rms=1

[is13_melspec1:cMelspec] reader.dmLevel=is13_fftmagH25 writer.dmLevel=is13_melspec1 ; htk compatible sample value scaling htkcompatible = 0 nBands = 26 ; use power spectrum instead of magnitude spectrum usePower = 1 lofreq = 20 hifreq = 8000 specScale = mel showFbank = 0

; perform auditory weighting of spectrum [is13_audspec:cPlp] reader.dmLevel=is13_melspec1 writer.dmLevel=is13_audspec firstCC = 0 lpOrder = 5 cepLifter = 22 compression = 0.33 htkcompatible = 0 doIDFT = 0 doLpToCeps = 0 doLP = 0 doInvLog = 0 doAud = 1 doLog = 0 newRASTA=0 RASTA=0

; perform RASTA style filtering of auditory spectra [is13_audspecRasta:cPlp] reader.dmLevel=is13_melspec1 writer.dmLevel=is13_audspecRasta nameAppend = Rfilt firstCC = 0 lpOrder = 5 cepLifter = 22 compression = 0.33 htkcompatible = 0 doIDFT = 0 doLpToCeps = 0 doLP = 0 doInvLog = 0 doAud = 1 doLog = 0 newRASTA=1 RASTA=0

[is13_audspecSum:cVectorOperation] reader.dmLevel = is13_audspec writer.dmLevel = is13_audspecSum // nameAppend = copyInputName = 1 processArrayFields = 0 operation = ll1 nameBase = audspec

[is13_audspecRastaSum:cVectorOperation] reader.dmLevel = is13_audspecRasta writer.dmLevel = is13_audspecRastaSum // nameAppend = copyInputName = 1 processArrayFields = 0 operation = ll1 nameBase = audspecRasta

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; spectral

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_spectral].type=cSpectral

[is13_spectral:cSpectral] reader.dmLevel=is13_fftmagH25 writer.dmLevel=is13_spectral bands[0]=250-650 bands[1]=1000-4000 rollOff[0] = 0.25 rollOff[1] = 0.50 rollOff[2] = 0.75 rollOff[3] = 0.90 flux=1 centroid=1 maxPos=0 minPos=0 entropy=1 variance=1 skewness=1 kurtosis=1 slope=1 harmonicity=1 sharpness=1

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mfcc

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_melspecMfcc].type=cMelspec instance[is13_mfcc].type=cMfcc

[is13_melspecMfcc:cMelspec] reader.dmLevel=is13_fftmagH25 writer.dmLevel=is13_melspecMfcc copyInputName = 1 processArrayFields = 1 ; htk compatible sample value scaling htkcompatible = 1 nBands = 26 ; use power spectrum instead of magnitude spectrum usePower = 1 lofreq = 20 hifreq = 8000 specScale = mel inverse = 0

[is13_mfcc:cMfcc] reader.dmLevel=is13_melspecMfcc writer.dmLevel=is13_mfcc1_12 copyInputName = 0 processArrayFields = 1 firstMfcc = 1 lastMfcc = 14 cepLifter = 22.0 htkcompatible = 1

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; zcr

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_mzcr].type=cMZcr

[is13_mzcr:cMZcr] reader.dmLevel = is13_frame60 writer.dmLevel = is13_zcr copyInputName = 1 processArrayFields = 1 zcr = 1 mcr = 0 amax = 0 maxmin = 0 dc = 0

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; smoothing

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_smoNz].type=cContourSmoother instance[is13_smoA].type=cContourSmoother instance[is13_smoB].type=cContourSmoother instance[is13_f0sel].type=cDataSelector

[is13_smoNz:cContourSmoother] reader.dmLevel = is13_pitchG60;is13_jitterShimmer writer.dmLevel = is13_lld_nzsmo {\cm[bufferModeConf{../shared/}:path to included config to set the buffer mode for the levels before the functionals]} nameAppend = sma copyInputName = 1 noPostEOIprocessing = 0 smaWin = 3 noZeroSma = 1

[is13_f0sel:cDataSelector] reader.dmLevel = is13_lld_nzsmo writer.dmLevel = is13_lld_f0_nzsmo {\cm[bufferModeConf]} nameAppend = ff0 selected = F0final_sma

[is13_smoA:cContourSmoother] reader.dmLevel = is13_audspecSum;is13_audspecRastaSum;is13_energy;is13_zcr writer.dmLevel = is13_lldA_smo {\cm[bufferModeConf]} nameAppend = sma copyInputName = 1 noPostEOIprocessing = 0 smaWin = 3

[is13_smoB:cContourSmoother] reader.dmLevel = is13_audspecRasta;is13_spectral;is13_mfcc1_12 writer.dmLevel = is13_lldB_smo {\cm[bufferModeConf]} nameAppend = sma copyInputName = 1 noPostEOIprocessing = 0 smaWin = 3

;;;;;;;;; deltas [componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_deNz].type=cDeltaRegression instance[is13_deA].type=cDeltaRegression instance[is13_deB].type=cDeltaRegression instance[is13_def0sel].type=cDeltaRegression

[is13_deNz:cDeltaRegression] reader.dmLevel = is13_lld_nzsmo writer.dmLevel = is13_lld_nzsmo_de {\cm[bufferModeConf]} onlyInSegments = 1 zeroSegBound = 1

[is13_deA:cDeltaRegression] reader.dmLevel = is13_lldA_smo writer.dmLevel = is13_lldA_smo_de {\cm[bufferModeConf]}

[is13_deB:cDeltaRegression] reader.dmLevel = is13_lldB_smo writer.dmLevel = is13_lldB_smo_de {\cm[bufferModeConf]}

[is13_def0sel:cDeltaRegression] reader.dmLevel = is13_lld_f0_nzsmo writer.dmLevel = is13_lld_f0_nzsmo_de {\cm[bufferModeConf]} onlyInSegments = 1 zeroSegBound = 1


[componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[is13_lldconcat].type=cVectorConcat instance[is13_llddeconcat].type=cVectorConcat instance[is13_funcconcat].type=cVectorConcat

[is13_lldconcat:cVectorConcat] reader.dmLevel = is13_lld_nzsmo;is13_lldA_smo;is13_lldB_smo writer.dmLevel = lld includeSingleElementFields = 1

[is13_llddeconcat:cVectorConcat] reader.dmLevel = is13_lld_nzsmo_de;is13_lldA_smo_de;is13_lldB_smo_de writer.dmLevel = lld_de includeSingleElementFields = 1

[is13_funcconcat:cVectorConcat] reader.dmLevel = is13_functionalsA;is13_functionalsB;is13_functionalsNz;is13_functionalsF0;is13_functionalsLLD;is13_functionalsDelta writer.dmLevel = func includeSingleElementFields = 1

;;; default sink {\cm[sink{?}:include external sink]}

chausner-audeering commented 3 years ago is also needed because it gets included in ComParE_2016.conf. All three files must be in the same folder.

Zinc0816 commented 3 years ago

I tried what you said, but it still doesn't work. I don't know anyone around me who is familiar with openSMILE, so please forgive me if I keep asking questions here.

As for the steps to be taken... (1) Copy the three files mentioned above. (2) Paste them into the directory of the python file to be executed, and modify the necessary parts. (3) Run the python file. Or (1) Modify and create the three aforementioned files using the method described in ( (2) Make sure that the files are in the python directory to be executed. (3) Run it. Is this the correct procedure?

I get the following error in both cases. 'opensmile.core.SMILEapi.OpenSmileException: Code: 1'. What's wrong?

Also, is there something wrong with the python file I am running? I have included the basic code below and would like to know if there are any mistakes.

I apologize again and again. Please help me.

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import opensmile

smile = opensmile.Smile( feature_set='ComParE_2016.conf', feature_level=opensmile.FeatureLevel.LowLevelDescriptors, ) x=smile.process_file("wavefile.wav")

chausner-audeering commented 3 years ago

You may want to enable logging to see the exact error:

zilunpeng commented 2 years ago

Here is the error I got: (ERR) [1] configManager: cFileConfigReader::openInput : cannot find input file '../shared/'!' is at

zehuiwu commented 1 year ago

I got the exception "OpenSmileException: Code: 1" after I changed the frameSize directly inside the config file in the package. I found that there are two frameSize and frameStep parameters in the lld config, and I need to make sure they are consistent. Problem solved!

rob-son01 commented 7 months ago

I got the exception "OpenSmileException: Code: 1" after I changed the frameSize directly inside the config file in the package. I found that there are two frameSize and frameStep parameters in the lld config, and I need to make sure they are consistent. Problem solved!

Sorry guys, I used open smile (compare lld feature set) to obtain data from an audio dataset to use it as train set for machine learning. I had to test the performance on different train set using different window sizes to extract festures. I was wondering how can I understand for which features is used value 0.060 or 0.020? Thanks for the reply