audeering / opensmile

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Can I pass RTMP Link as input to opensmile? #43

Closed aniketzz closed 2 years ago

aniketzz commented 2 years ago

I want to pass a streaming URL like RTMP to the opensmile and save the features in a CSV. I am able to use portaudio to consume audio and get the data but now I want to use an RTMP link to get the data in a CSV.

chausner-audeering commented 2 years ago

There is no inbuilt support for RTMP in openSMILE but you could receive the RTMP stream outside of openSMILE and pass the received data to openSMILE via SMILEapi. For more information on SMILEapi, see If you are working with Python, I would recommend

aniketzz commented 2 years ago

I am able to stream the RTMP link using GStreamer and if I use cPortaudioSource, I can get the data using smileapi but i see that the config has device = -1, which means I have to set the audio device to whichever device is available. How do I make the device as an argument in the command line.

Also, I used pulseaudio to create virtual sound cards and pass that to gstreamer and then set device=-1 in the config file. But how do I change the device value if i have to test on multiple virtual sound cards at once. That is, How can I execute opensmile if I had to srteam from two or more RTMP source on multiple virtual sound cards.

chausner-audeering commented 2 years ago

How do I make the device as an argument in the command line.

You can make the option configurable via the \cm directive:

device = \cm[device{-1}:audio device]

which defines a default value of -1 but can be overridden on the command-line via -device <value>.

That is, How can I execute opensmile if I had to srteam from two or more RTMP source on multiple virtual sound cards.

If you want to run openSMILE independently on multiple streams, you could just start multiple instances of openSMILE and specify different audio devices on the command-line. If you need multiple audio streams in a single openSMILE instance, you can declare multiple cPortAudioSource instances in your config.

aniketzz commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the quick response. So, I am able to take the device from the command line and able to extract the features.

I have created multiple virtual sound cards but when I makelistDevices = 1 it always shows 2 devices only.

== cPortAudioSource ==  There are 2 audio devices:
  -> Device #0: 'pulse'
       #inputChan=32 #outputChan=32
  -> Device #1: 'default'
       #inputChan=32 #outputChan=32
  The default device is #1

However, I can see all the other audio devices via pacmd list-sinks command and it shows 5 audio devices. i am using pacmd load-module module-null-sink sink_name=VirtSoundCard sink_properties=device.description=Virtual-Sound-Card to create a virtual sound card.

chausner-audeering commented 2 years ago

Not sure, we are using the functions in PortAudio to enumerate devices: PortAudio might not be compatible with PulseAudio virtual sound cards.

aniketzz commented 2 years ago

Can you help me with any alternative way to create and pass the virtual audio device to opensmile api?

Currently, I am using the following commands to create and send virtual audio device data to opensmile api.

$ pulseaudio --start

$ pacmd load-module module-null-sink sink_name=VirtSoundCard sink_properties=device.description=Virtual-Sound-Card

$ gst-launch-1.0 rtmpsrc location="rtmp:// live=1" ! decodebin ! pulsesink stream-properties="props,media.title=VirtSoundCard"

$ /home/ubuntu/opensmile/build/progsrc/smilextract/SMILExtract -C /home/ubuntu/opensmile/config/prosody/liveProsodyAcf.conf -O tmp/t_prosody.csv -device 1

chausner-audeering commented 2 years ago

Can you help me with any alternative way to create and pass the virtual audio device to opensmile api?

I'm afraid, I haven't got any more hints or clues how to make virtual audio devices work with PortAudio. What should be possible is to implement the receiving of the stream yourself and pass the data to openSMILE via SMILEapi but I haven't worked with RTMP streams before so cannot give you concrete suggestions on how to approach it.

aniketzz commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to make some changes in the API to read the RTMP packet directly? I have tried different approaches to stream the audio to a virtual device but although I am able to save the audio using GStreamer file-sink, I am unable to generate any features when I pass the same device as input to opensmile API. However, if I set the device to default, then I am able to generate data in some cases. But making the device default is not suitable to my usecase.

chausner-audeering commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to make some changes in the API to read the RTMP packet directly?

We haven't got any experience with RTMP so far, so can't give you any concrete hints how to approach RTMP integration, I'm afraid.

aniketzz commented 2 years ago


I am able to pass RTMP stream directly to opensmile API using cffmpefsource in the config and passing -I rtmp_url in the command line.



writer.dmLevel = wave
filename=\cm[inputfile(I){test.wav}:name of input file]
outFieldName = pcm
chausner-audeering commented 2 years ago

Really cool, thanks for sharing that solution! I honestly wasn't aware that cFFmpegSource could be used this way. :+1: