audeering / opensmile

The Munich Open-Source Large-Scale Multimedia Feature Extractor
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Error about “Extracting features with OpenCV” #71

Open maoliangjie opened 9 months ago

maoliangjie commented 9 months ago

when I use the command line: ./SMILExtract -C config/audiovisual/audiovideo.conf\ -V VIDEO_FILE -A AUDIO_FILE -N NAME -a AGE\ -g GENDER -e ETHNICITY -O VIDEO_ARFF -P AUDIO_ARFF

It raises a problem:(ERR) [0] commandlineParser: parse: unknown option '-V' on commandline! how can I fix it?the config profile set like this:“filename = \cm[videofile(V){test.avi}:name of input file]”

maxschmitt commented 9 months ago

Can you post the config file (or minimum working example), please?