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No Seasteading Micronation #1

Open GratefulTony opened 11 years ago

GratefulTony commented 11 years ago

We currently do not have a libertarian seasteading micronation!

mindlance commented 11 years ago

A micronation, lacking the coercive powers of a 'marcro'-nation, is primarily an aesthetic exercise. This isn't a dig against it- I love micronations, because they are aesthetic exercises. The thing is, there are usually one of three reasons for starting a micronation (or a combination of them) 1) Roleplaying. The same impulse that fuels the SCA, steampunk, and Civil War reenactors. People play at being kings and prime ministers are each other. 2) Personal Expression. The Empire of Bill. The Duchy of Sally. The purest expression of the aesthetic impulse, with flags, seals, and regalia that express your beliefs and worldview. 3) Shadow government- These people want to be in charge. They set up a micronation with the explicit (if unlikely) goal of upgrading sometime in the future.

I don't think many people are interested in Xnation for roleplaying purposes. Personal expression is a definite possibility, but given the diverse and individualistic nature of the people involved- you called it a libertarian micronation- I have to wonder if coming up with an aesthetic style that accommodates everyone's desire for variation AND still manages to present a unified whole might not be more trouble than it's worth. That brings us to the shadow government. We don't need this. We're not trying to take over an occupied land, and we have no need (or really much chance) to deal with other governments. This is not going to be done with the sanction, blession, help, or possibly even the knowledge of the USA or China. We're going to be doing things their way, we won't be talking to them, so why imitate them?

I think someone should design a simple little logo that in a pinch can double as a flag or naval ensign, and be done with it.

GratefulTony commented 11 years ago

I think the point is that we realize that all is not perfect with existing forms of government... Sure there are a lot of positives... but perhaps the current system is not ideal...

The great thing about open source projects is that even if X Nation 1 never actually takes of... (but why not, bitcoin did?) The source code will still be available. The history of the development of the system will be wide open for anyone to look at and improve.

If there is a way for a truly ideal form of human organization to exist-- surely, open-development is the way to achieve it.

If it were to come to be so appealing, there is no reason that people in countries with no efficient form of organization might adopt the protocols of an X-Nation framework-- or fork one for their own needs... Or perhaps the systems developed might be so effectual, that even established governments might have reasons to adopt subsets of an X-Nation's protocol.