audinowho / PMDODump

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Pokedex Area Search #449

Open issuebotaudinowho[bot] opened 3 months ago

issuebotaudinowho[bot] commented 3 months ago

Discord: iambadatlife#0 <@205553191985610753>

Feature Request: In Records -> Pokedex, display the location each pokemon has been seen and make the menu viewable in-game. It would also be nice to display useful info like possible abilities, exp group, base stats, evo method, and learnset like in the summary

audinowho commented 3 months ago

Set to low priority as it is partially serviced with the mod Difficult to do but possible by pre-computing encounter locations into an index. Info on the pokemon should only be displayed when caught.

435THz commented 3 months ago

Viewing a specific encounter's data if the Pokémon is already in your dex IS a planned feature in the mod, so that's something to look forward to already. Seeing where you can encounter a mon was also planned but i scrapped it because i believe it would take WAY too much time to compile a list on startup, or at least it would with lua only. I mean... even just updating dungeon and section names on language changes can take around 5 seconds. There's no way i could make something like that load fast enough yet always be accurate to the current mod loadout at the same time.