audiocogs / aurora.js

JavaScript audio decoding framework
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Playing ICECast2 stream with jPlayer + Aurora #135

Open sigaev-pro opened 9 years ago

sigaev-pro commented 9 years ago


I'm tring to play ICECast ctream with jPlayer and Aurora. I'm including following files

aurora.js ogg.js vorbis.js

jPlayer is configured to use aurora

solution: "aurora", auroraFormats: "oga"

But I have following errors in my console


In my ICECast2 log I have following entries

[2015-07-20 17:56:03] EROR connection/_handle_connection Wrong request type from client [2015-07-20 17:56:29] INFO format-vorbis/initial_vorbis_page seen initial vorbis header [2015-07-20 17:56:46] EROR connection/_handle_connection Wrong request type from client [2015-07-20 17:56:58] EROR connection/_handle_connection Wrong request type from client [2015-07-20 17:57:05] INFO source/source_main listener count on /source now 1 [2015-07-20 17:57:06] INFO source/source_main listener count on /source now 0 [2015-07-20 17:57:46] EROR connection/_handle_connection Wrong request type from client

So ICECast2 does not support HEAD requests.

So how I can get aurora decoder working without initital HEAD request?

sideeffffect commented 5 years ago

@ph3-der-loewe over at #2223 suggests that this is a problem on aurora.js side

sideeffffect commented 5 years ago


Seems that "aurora.js" uses HEAD to get the total length in bytes of the resource and then does GET requests on chunks. This is totally wrong to begin with:

  • It MUST NOT assume that HEAD and any later GET requests to the same URI will result in the same object. At least ETags must be checked.
  • It MUST NOT assume that the length is known to the server and that the length is finite.
  • It SHOULD (read: MUST) use the Content-Range:-reply-header to find out about the length if at all (the header MAY return "*" for unknown length).
  • HEAD requests MAY omit content related headers at will.
  • Chunking like this seems to be a very strange thing to do. I hardly see any reason for this.

So: Even if we would provide HEAD support, this would not solve the referenced problem as the problem is the application 0) miss-implementing HTTP, 1) does not support infinite resources AKA streams anyway. From what I have seen in the code I would guess that a perfectly HTTP conforming server can also break it in other ways. @tbr I would suggest to close this ticket for now as this seems to be related more to the original problem than to HEAD support. Also considering that for a month nobody came up with a reason why HEAD is needed. If HEAD support is a goal I would like to have a "fresh" and "clean" ticket for it (including a reason why it is needed).