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Web-site #11

Open dy opened 7 years ago

dy commented 7 years ago

I suggest collect ideas/requirements for the website here.

ahdinosaur commented 7 years ago

something like (source: stackgl/packages) but for audio would be sweet!

i did a more custom version for pull streams at (source: pull-stream/pull-stream-docs), but only because i had to do some weird things to get modules from within pull-stream core, plus i wanted to play around with a shiny framework. think in this case it could just be a fork of stackgl/packages, if we wanted (i'm not volunteering at this moment).

dy commented 7 years ago

Demos are the sweet part of stackgl/scijs, the rest is a bit cumbersome, the way docs should be :) Search/filtering would be at place I guess

dy commented 7 years ago

Design in process


Editable link on figma (request invite if needed) Pretty much inspired by choo's website and tachyons

jamen commented 7 years ago

Looks nice and minimal. I like it!

For the record, the "a" logo is just something I slapped together in a few seconds as a place holder. We could change it to something new if wanted.

jamen commented 7 years ago

One concern might be for #9.

We might want to create a nice little CSS file for the gh-pages. Or maybe we could use a framework (e.g. Milligram). OR we could organize them into one repo (suggested by @JelaniThompson)

Edit: Unless the demos are pretty barebones and don't need to fit with design. That just came to mind.

jamen commented 7 years ago

So I setup audiojs/docs. It uses hyperapp + sheetify, and I made a little deploy system with ecodoc and pull streams.

Not sure what theme is wanted so I just gave it something basic for now. All the package readmes and data are cached and inlined in the app so you can download and use offline.

dy commented 7 years ago

@jamen that is sick! What about some simple package sections in the future to make it easier to look up?

vectrixdevelops commented 7 years ago

@jamen woah! Nice work dude!

JelaniThompson commented 7 years ago

@jamen Lookin' good my man!

dy commented 5 years ago

Proposed component demo style image