audiophonics / Evo_Sabre_Volumio3

Use Evo Sabre through a Volumio3 Plugin
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Volumio plugin #2

Open balbuze opened 1 year ago

balbuze commented 1 year ago

Hello I'm in charge of reviewing/ validating plugins for Volumio. We plan to include yours in the store. To do so, please send at PR at volumio-plugin-sources and use 'volumio plugin submit''. Once it's done, I'll have a look to release a beta and then a stable. Thanks. You can contact me if needed on GitHub or from the community forum. Regards

audiophonics commented 1 year ago

Hello Balbuze thank you for reaching me!

Nice timing : I have made a lot of progress on this project in the last couple weeks. However I have ~10 days vacation leave starting tomorrow so this will cause an additional delay before I can push an update. Sorry about that.

balbuze commented 1 year ago

No worries! Let me know when ready! Enjoy your vacation 😉

audiophonics commented 1 year ago

This is a quick update to let you know I did not forget you. I need to finish some cleanup in the code but this should not take long now.

By the way does it bother you if I also submit a second plugin for another device ?

balbuze commented 1 year ago

hello! no problem, submit all what you need ;-) Don't forget, it is here and from your device, in plugin folder 'volumio plugin submit' see br