### 0.6.5
Preview features
- \[`pydoclint`\] Ignore `DOC201` when function name is "**new**" ([13300](
- \[`refurb`\] Implement `slice-to-remove-prefix-or-suffix` (`FURB188`) ([13256](
Rule changes
- \[`eradicate`\] Ignore script-comments with multiple end-tags (`ERA001`) ([13283](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Improve error message for `UndefinedName` when a builtin was added in a newer version than specified in Ruff config (`F821`) ([13293](
- Add support for extensionless Python files for server ([13326](
- Fix configuration inheritance for configurations specified in the LSP settings ([13285](
Bug fixes
- \[`ruff`\] Handle unary operators in `decimal-from-float-literal` (`RUF032`) ([13275](
- Only include rules with diagnostics in SARIF metadata ([13268](
- Add "Copy as pyproject.toml/ruff.toml" and "Paste from TOML" ([13328](
- Fix errors not shown for restored snippet on page load ([13262](
### 0.6.4
Preview features
- \[`flake8-builtins`\] Use dynamic builtins list based on Python version ([13172](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Permit yielding `None` in `DOC402` and `DOC403` ([13148](
- \[`pylint`\] Update diagnostic message for `PLW3201` ([13194](
- \[`ruff`\] Implement `post-init-default` (`RUF033`) ([13192](
- \[`ruff`\] Implement useless if-else (`RUF034`) ([13218](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Respect `pep8_naming.classmethod-decorators` settings when determining if a method is a classmethod in `custom-type-var-return-type` (`PYI019`) ([13162](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Teach various rules that annotations might be stringized ([12951](
- \[`pylint`\] Avoid `no-self-use` for `attrs`-style validators ([13166](
- \[`pylint`\] Recurse into subscript subexpressions when searching for list/dict lookups (`PLR1733`, `PLR1736`) ([13186](
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Detect `` calls in `UP015` ([13173](
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Mark `sys.version_info[0] < 3` and similar comparisons as outdated (`UP036`) ([13175](
- Enrich messages of SARIF results ([13180](
- Handle singular case for incompatible rules warning in `ruff format` output ([13212](
Bug fixes
- \[`pydocstyle`\] Improve heuristics for detecting Google-style docstrings ([13142](
- \[`refurb`\] Treat `sep` arguments with effects as unsafe removals (`FURB105`) ([13165](
### 0.6.3
Preview features
- \[`flake8-simplify`\] Extend `open-file-with-context-handler` to work with `dbm.sqlite3` (`SIM115`) ([13104](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Disable `E741` in stub files (`.pyi`) ([13119](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Avoid `DOC201` on explicit returns in functions that only return `None` ([13064](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-async`\] Disable check for `asyncio` before Python 3.11 (`ASYNC109`) ([13023](
Bug fixes
- \[`FastAPI`\] Avoid introducing invalid syntax in fix for `fast-api-non-annotated-dependency` (`FAST002`) ([13133](
- \[`flake8-implicit-str-concat`\] Normalize octals before merging concatenated strings in `single-line-implicit-string-concatenation` (`ISC001`) ([13118](
- \[`flake8-pytest-style`\] Improve help message for `pytest-incorrect-mark-parentheses-style` (`PT023`) ([13092](
- \[`pylint`\] Avoid autofix for calls that aren't `min` or `max` as starred expression (`PLW3301`) ([13089](
- \[`ruff`\] Add `datetime.time`, `datetime.tzinfo`, and `datetime.timezone` as immutable function calls (`RUF009`) ([13109](
- \[`ruff`\] Extend comment deletion for `RUF100` to include trailing text from `noqa` directives while preserving any following comments on the same line, if any ([13105](
- Fix dark theme on initial page load for the Ruff playground ([13077](
### 0.6.2
Preview features
- \[`flake8-simplify`\] Extend `open-file-with-context-handler` to work with other standard-library IO modules (`SIM115`) ([12959](
- \[`ruff`\] Avoid `unused-async` for functions with FastAPI route decorator (`RUF029`) ([12938](
- \[`ruff`\] Ignore `fstring-missing-syntax` (`RUF027`) for `fastAPI` paths ([12939](
- \[`ruff`\] Implement check for Decimal called with a float literal (RUF032) ([12909](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Update diagnostic message when expression is at the end of function (`B015`) ([12944](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Skip type annotations in `string-or-bytes-too-long` (`PYI053`) ([13002](
- \[`flake8-type-checking`\] Always recognise relative imports as first-party ([12994](
- \[`flake8-unused-arguments`\] Ignore unused arguments on stub functions (`ARG001`) ([12966](
- \[`pylint`\] Ignore augmented assignment for `self-cls-assignment` (`PLW0642`) ([12957](
- Show full context in error log messages ([13029](
Bug fixes
- \[`pep8-naming`\] Don't flag `from` imports following conventional import names (`N817`) ([12946](
- \[`pylint`\] - Allow `__new__` methods to have `cls` as their first argument even if decorated with `staticmethod` for `bad-staticmethod-argument` (`PLW0211`) ([12958](
- Add `hyperfine` installation instructions; update `hyperfine` code samples ([13034](
- Expand note to use Ruff with other language server in Kate ([12806](
- Update example for `PT001` as per the new default behavior ([13019](
- \[`perflint`\] Improve docs for `try-except-in-loop` (`PERF203`) ([12947](
- \[`pydocstyle`\] Add reference to `lint.pydocstyle.ignore-decorators` setting to rule docs ([12996](
### 0.6.1
This is a hotfix release to address an issue with `ruff-pre-commit`. In v0.6,
Ruff changed its behavior to lint and format Jupyter notebooks by default;
however, due to an oversight, these files were still excluded by default if
Ruff was run via pre-commit, leading to inconsistent behavior.
This has [now been fixed](
Preview features
- \[`fastapi`\] Implement `fast-api-unused-path-parameter` (`FAST003`) ([12638](
Rule changes
- \[`pylint`\] Rename `too-many-positional` to `too-many-positional-arguments` (`R0917`) ([12905](
- Fix crash when applying "fix-all" code-action to notebook cells ([12929](
Other changes
- \[`flake8-naming`\]: Respect import conventions (`N817`) ([12922](
### 0.6.0
- Detect imports in `src` layouts by default for `isort` rules ([12848](
- The pytest rules `PT001` and `PT023` now default to omitting the decorator parentheses when there are no arguments ([12838](
- Lint and format Jupyter Notebook by default ([12878](
You can disable specific rules for notebooks using [`per-file-ignores`](
"*.ipynb" = ["E501"] disable line-too-long in notebooks
If you'd prefer to either only lint or only format Jupyter Notebook files, you can use the
section-specific `exclude` option to do so. For example, the following would only lint Jupyter
Notebook files and not format them:
exclude = ["*.ipynb"]
And, conversely, the following would only format Jupyter Notebook files and not lint them:
exclude = ["*.ipynb"]
You can completely disable Jupyter Notebook support by updating the [`extend-exclude`]( setting:
extend-exclude = ["*.ipynb"]
### 0.5.7
Preview features
- \[`flake8-comprehensions`\] Account for list and set comprehensions in `unnecessary-literal-within-tuple-call` (`C409`) ([12657](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Add autofix for `future-annotations-in-stub` (`PYI044`) ([12676](
- \[`flake8-return`\] Avoid syntax error when auto-fixing `RET505` with mixed indentation (space and tabs) ([12740](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Add `docstring-missing-yields` (`DOC402`) and `docstring-extraneous-yields` (`DOC403`) ([12538](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Avoid `DOC201` if docstring begins with "Return", "Returns", "Yield", or "Yields" ([12675](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Deduplicate collected exceptions after traversing function bodies (`DOC501`) ([12642](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Ignore `DOC` errors for stub functions ([12651](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Teach rules to understand reraised exceptions as being explicitly raised (`DOC501`, `DOC502`) ([12639](
- \[`ruff`\] Implement `incorrectly-parenthesized-tuple-in-subscript` (`RUF031`) ([12480](
- \[`ruff`\] Mark `RUF023` fix as unsafe if `__slots__` is not a set and the binding is used elsewhere ([12692](
Rule changes
- \[`refurb`\] Add autofix for `implicit-cwd` (`FURB177`) ([12708](
- \[`ruff`\] Add autofix for `zip-instead-of-pairwise` (`RUF007`) ([12663](
- \[`tryceratops`\] Add `BaseException` to `raise-vanilla-class` rule (`TRY002`) ([12620](
- Ignore non-file workspace URL; Ruff will display a warning notification in this case ([12725](
- Fix cache invalidation for nested `pyproject.toml` files ([12727](
Bug fixes
- \[`flake8-async`\] Fix false positives with multiple `async with` items (`ASYNC100`) ([12643](
- \[`flake8-bandit`\] Avoid false-positives for list concatenations in SQL construction (`S608`) ([12720](
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Treat `return` as equivalent to `break` (`B909`) ([12646](
- \[`flake8-comprehensions`\] Set comprehensions not a violation for `sum` in `unnecessary-comprehension-in-call` (`C419`) ([12691](
- \[`flake8-simplify`\] Parenthesize conditions based on precedence when merging if arms (`SIM114`) ([12737](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Try both 'Raises' section styles when convention is unspecified (`DOC501`) ([12649](
### 0.5.6
Ruff 0.5.6 automatically enables linting and formatting of notebooks in *preview mode*.
You can opt-out of this behavior by adding `*.ipynb` to the `extend-exclude` setting.
extend-exclude = ["*.ipynb"]
Preview features
- Enable notebooks by default in preview mode ([12621](
- \[`flake8-builtins`\] Implement import, lambda, and module shadowing ([12546](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Add `docstring-missing-returns` (`DOC201`) and `docstring-extraneous-returns` (`DOC202`) ([12485](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-return`\] Exempt cached properties and other property-like decorators from explicit return rule (`RET501`) ([12563](
- Make server panic hook more error resilient ([12610](
- Use `$/logTrace` for server trace logs in Zed and VS Code ([12564](
- Keep track of deleted cells for reorder change request ([12575](
- \[`flake8-implicit-str-concat`\] Always allow explicit multi-line concatenations when implicit concatenations are banned ([12532](
Bug fixes
- \[`flake8-async`\] Avoid flagging `asyncio.timeout`s as unused when the context manager includes `asyncio.TaskGroup` ([12605](
- \[`flake8-slots`\] Avoid recommending `__slots__` for classes that inherit from more than `namedtuple` ([12531](
- \[`isort`\] Avoid marking required imports as unused ([12537](
- \[`isort`\] Preserve trailing inline comments on import-from statements ([12498](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Add newlines before comments (`E305`) ([12606](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Don't attach comments with mismatched indents ([12604](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Fix preview-mode bugs in `F401` when attempting to autofix unused first-party submodule imports in an `` file ([12569](
- \[`pylint`\] Respect start index in `unnecessary-list-index-lookup` ([12603](
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Avoid recommending no-argument super in `slots=True` dataclasses ([12530](
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Use colon rather than dot formatting for integer-only types ([12534](
- Fix NFKC normalization bug when removing unused imports ([12571](
Other changes
- Consider more stdlib decorators to be property-like ([12583](
- Improve handling of metaclasses in various linter rules ([12579](
- Improve consistency between linter rules in determining whether a function is property ([12581](
### 0.5.5
Preview features
- \[`fastapi`\] Implement `fastapi-redundant-response-model` (`FAST001`) and `fastapi-non-annotated-dependency`(`FAST002`) ([11579](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Implement `docstring-missing-exception` (`DOC501`) and `docstring-extraneous-exception` (`DOC502`) ([11471](
Rule changes
- \[`numpy`\] Fix NumPy 2.0 rule for `np.alltrue` and `np.sometrue` ([12473](
- \[`numpy`\] Ignore `NPY201` inside `except` blocks for compatibility with older numpy versions ([12490](
- \[`pep8-naming`\] Avoid applying `ignore-names` to `self` and `cls` function names (`N804`, `N805`) ([12497](
- Fix incorrect placement of leading function comment with type params ([12447](
- Do not bail code action resolution when a quick fix is requested ([12462](
Bug fixes
- Fix `Ord` implementation of `cmp_fix` ([12471](
- Raise syntax error for unparenthesized generator expression in multi-argument call ([12445](
- \[`pydoclint`\] Fix panic in `DOC501` reported in [12428]( ([#12435](
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Allow singleton tuples with starred expressions in `B013` ([12484](
- Add Eglot setup guide for Emacs editor ([12426](
- Add note about the breaking change in `nvim-lspconfig` ([12507](
- Add note to include notebook files for native server ([12449](
- Add setup docs for Zed editor ([12501](
### 0.5.4
Rule changes
- \[`ruff`\] Rename `RUF007` to `zip-instead-of-pairwise` ([12399](
Bug fixes
- \[`flake8-builtins`\] Avoid shadowing diagnostics for `override` methods ([12415](
- \[`flake8-comprehensions`\] Insert parentheses for multi-argument generators ([12422](
- \[`pydocstyle`\] Handle escaped docstrings within docstring (`D301`) ([12192](
- Fix GitHub link to Neovim setup ([12410](
- Fix `output-format` default in settings reference ([12409](
### 0.5.3
[documentation](, including [setup guides for your editor of
choice]( and [the language server
Preview features
- Formatter: Insert empty line between suite and alternative branch after function/class definition ([12294](
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Implement `unnecessary-default-type-args` (`UP043`) ([12371](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Detect enumerate iterations in `loop-iterator-mutation` (`B909`) ([12366](
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Remove `discard`, `remove`, and `pop` allowance for `loop-iterator-mutation` (`B909`) ([12365](
- \[`pylint`\] Allow `repeated-equality-comparison` for mixed operations (`PLR1714`) ([12369](
- \[`pylint`\] Ignore `self` and `cls` when counting arguments (`PLR0913`) ([12367](
- \[`pylint`\] Use UTF-8 as default encoding in `unspecified-encoding` fix (`PLW1514`) ([12370](
- Build settings index in parallel for the native server ([12299](
- Use fallback settings when indexing the project ([12362](
- Consider `--preview` flag for `server` subcommand for the linter and formatter ([12208](
Bug fixes
- \[`flake8-comprehensions`\] Allow additional arguments for `sum` and `max` comprehensions (`C419`) ([12364](
- \[`pylint`\] Avoid dropping extra boolean operations in `repeated-equality-comparison` (`PLR1714`) ([12368](
- \[`pylint`\] Consider expression before statement when determining binding kind (`PLR1704`) ([12346](
- Add docs for Ruff language server ([12344](
- Migrate to standalone docs repo ([12341](
- Update versioning policy for editor integration ([12375](
Other changes
- Publish Wasm API to npm ([12317](
### 0.5.2
Preview features
- Use `space` separator before parenthesized expressions in comprehensions with leading comments ([12282](
- \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC100` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12221](
- \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC109` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12236](
- \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC110` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12261](
- \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC115` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12262](
- \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC116` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12266](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-return`\] Exempt properties from explicit return rule (`RET501`) ([12243](
- \[`numpy`\] Add `np.NAN`-to-`np.nan` diagnostic ([12292](
- \[`refurb`\] Make `list-reverse-copy` an unsafe fix ([12303](
- Consider `include` and `extend-include` settings in native server ([12252](
- Include nested configurations in settings reloading ([12253](
- Omit code frames for fixes with empty ranges ([12304](
- Warn about formatter incompatibility for `D203` ([12238](
Bug fixes
- Make cache-write failures non-fatal on Windows ([12302](
- Treat `not` operations as boolean tests ([12301](
- \[`flake8-bandit`\] Avoid `S310` violations for HTTP-safe f-strings ([12305](
- \[`flake8-bandit`\] Support explicit string concatenations in S310 HTTP detection ([12315](
- \[`flake8-bandit`\] fix S113 false positive for httpx without `timeout` argument ([12213](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Remove "non-obvious" allowance for E721 ([12300](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Consider `with` blocks as single-item branches for redefinition analysis ([12311](
- \[`refurb`\] Restrict forwarding for `newline` argument in `open()` calls to Python versions >= 3.10 ([12244](
- Update help and documentation to reflect `--output-format full` default ([12248](
- Use more threads when discovering Python files ([12258](
### 0.5.1
Preview features
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Implement mutable-contextvar-default (B039) ([12113](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Whitespace after decorator (`E204`) ([12140](
- \[`pytest`\] Reverse `PT001` and `PT0023` defaults ([12106](
Rule changes
- Enable token-based rules on source with syntax errors ([11950](
- \[`flake8-bandit`\] Detect `httpx` for `S113` ([12174](
- \[`numpy`\] Update `NPY201` to include exception deprecations ([12065](
- \[`pylint`\] Generate autofix for `duplicate-bases` (`PLE0241`) ([12105](
- Avoid syntax error notification for source code actions ([12148](
- Consider the content of the new cells during notebook sync ([12203](
- Fix replacement edit range computation ([12171](
Bug fixes
- Disable auto-fix when source has syntax errors ([12134](
- Fix cache key collisions for paths with separators ([12159](
- Make `requires-python` inference robust to `==` ([12091](
- Use char-wise width instead of `str`-width ([12135](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Avoid `E275` if keyword followed by comma ([12136](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Avoid `E275` if keyword is followed by a semicolon ([12095](
- \[`pylint`\] Skip [dummy variables]( for `PLR1704` ([12190](
- Remove allocation in `parse_identifier` ([12103](
- Use `CompactString` for `Identifier` AST node ([12101](
### 0.5.0
- Follow the XDG specification to discover user-level configurations on macOS (same as on other Unix platforms)
- Selecting `ALL` now excludes deprecated rules
- The released archives now include an extra level of nesting, which can be removed with `--strip-components=1` when untarring.
- The release artifact's file name no longer includes the version tag. This enables users to install via `/latest` URLs on GitHub.
### 0.4.10
- Implement re-lexing logic for better error recovery ([11845](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-copyright`\] Update `CPY001` to check the first 4096 bytes instead of 1024 ([11927](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Update `E999` to show all syntax errors instead of just the first one ([11900](
- Add tracing setup guide to Helix documentation ([11883](
- Add tracing setup guide to Neovim documentation ([11884](
- Defer notebook cell deletion to avoid an error message ([11864](
- Guard against malicious ecosystem comment artifacts ([11879](
### 0.4.9
Preview features
- \[`pylint`\] Implement `consider-dict-items` (`C0206`) ([11688](
- \[`refurb`\] Implement `repeated-global` (`FURB154`) ([11187](
Rule changes
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Adapt fix for `E203` to work identical to `ruff format` ([10999](
- Fix formatter instability for lines only consisting of zero-width characters ([11748](
- Add supported commands in server capabilities ([11850](
- Use real file path when available in `ruff server` ([11800](
- Improve error message when a command is run on an unavailable document ([11823](
- Introduce the `ruff.printDebugInformation` command ([11831](
- Tracing system now respects log level and trace level, with options to log to a file ([11747](
- Handle non-printable characters in diff view ([11687](
Bug fixes
- \[`refurb`\] Avoid suggesting starmap when arguments are used outside call (`FURB140`) ([11830](
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Avoid panic in `B909` when checking large loop blocks ([11772](
- \[`refurb`\] Fix misbehavior of `operator.itemgetter` when getter param is a tuple (`FURB118`) ([11774](
### 0.4.8
- Linter performance has been improved by around 10% on some microbenchmarks by refactoring the lexer and parser to maintain synchronicity between them ([11457](
Preview features
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Implement `return-in-generator` (`B901`) ([11644](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI063` ([11699](
- \[`pygrep_hooks`\] Check blanket ignores via file-level pragmas (`PGH004`) ([11540](
Rule changes
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Update `UP035` for Python 3.13 and the latest version of `typing_extensions` ([11693](
- \[`numpy`\] Update `NPY001` rule for NumPy 2.0 ([11735](
- Formatting a document with syntax problems no longer spams a visible error popup ([11745](
- Add RDJson support for `--output-format` flag ([11682](
Bug fixes
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Write empty string in lieu of panic when fixing `UP032` ([11696](
- \[`flake8-simplify`\] Simplify double negatives in `SIM103` ([11684](
- Ensure the expression generator adds a newline before `type` statements ([11720](
- Respect per-file ignores for blanket and redirected noqa rules ([11728](
### 0.4.7
Preview features
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI064` ([11325](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI066` ([11541](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI057` ([11486](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Enable `F822` in `` files by default ([11370](
- Fix incorrect placement of trailing stub function comments ([11632](
- Respect file exclusions in `ruff server` ([11590](
- Add support for documents not exist on disk ([11588](
- Add Vim and Kate setup guide for `ruff server` ([11615](
Bug fixes
- Avoid removing newlines between docstring headers and rST blocks ([11609](
- Infer indentation with imports when logical indent is absent ([11608](
- Use char index rather than position for indent slice ([11645](
- \[`flake8-comprehension`\] Strip parentheses around generators in `C400` ([11607](
- Mark `repeated-isinstance-calls` as unsafe on Python 3.10 and later ([11622](
### 0.4.6
Breaking changes
- Use project-relative paths when calculating GitLab fingerprints ([11532](
- Bump minimum supported Windows version to Windows 10 ([11613](
Preview features
- \[`flake8-async`\] Sleep with >24 hour interval should usually sleep forever (`ASYNC116`) ([11498](
Rule changes
- \[`numpy`\] Add missing functions to NumPy 2.0 migration rule ([11528](
- \[`mccabe`\] Consider irrefutable pattern similar to `if .. else` for `C901` ([11565](
- Consider `match`-`case` statements for `C901`, `PLR0912`, and `PLR0915` ([11521](
- Remove empty strings when converting to f-string (`UP032`) ([11524](
- \[`flake8-bandit`\] `request-without-timeout` should warn for `requests.request` ([11548](
- \[`flake8-self`\] Ignore sunder accesses in `flake8-self` rules ([11546](
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Lint for `TypeAliasType` usages (`UP040`) ([11530](
- Respect excludes in `ruff server` configuration discovery ([11551](
- Use default settings if initialization options is empty or not provided ([11566](
- `ruff server` correctly treats `.pyi` files as stub files ([11535](
- `ruff server` searches for configuration in parent directories ([11537](
- `ruff server`: An empty code action filter no longer returns notebook source actions ([11526](
Bug fixes
- \[`flake8-logging-format`\] Fix autofix title in `logging-warn` (`G010`) ([11514](
- \[`refurb`\] Avoid recommending `operator.itemgetter` with dependence on lambda arguments ([11574](
- \[`flake8-simplify`\] Avoid recommending context manager in `__enter__` implementations ([11575](
- Create intermediary directories for `--output-file` ([11550](
- Propagate reads on global variables ([11584](
- Treat all `singledispatch` arguments as runtime-required ([11523](
### 0.4.5
Ruff's language server is now in Beta
`v0.4.5` marks the official Beta release of `ruff server`, an integrated language server built into Ruff.
`ruff server` supports the same feature set as `ruff-lsp`, powering linting, formatting, and
code fixes in Ruff's editor integrations -- but with superior performance and
no installation required. We'd love your feedback!
You can enable `ruff server` in the [VS Code extension]( today.
To read more about this exciting milestone, check out our [blog post](!
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-future-annotations`\] Reword `future-rewritable-type-annotation` (`FA100`) message ([11381](
- \[`isort`\] Expanded the set of standard-library modules to include `_string`, etc. ([11374](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Consider soft keywords for `E27` rules ([11446](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Recommend adding unused import bindings to `__all__` ([11314](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Update documentation and deprecate `ignore_init_module_imports` ([11436](
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Mark quotes as unnecessary for non-evaluated annotations ([11485](
- Avoid multiline quotes warning with `quote-style = preserve` ([11490](
- Support Jupyter Notebook files ([11206](
- Support `noqa` comment code actions ([11276](
- Fix automatic configuration reloading ([11492](
- Fix several issues with configuration in Neovim and Helix ([11497](
- Add `--output-format` as a CLI option for `ruff config` ([11438](
Bug fixes
- Avoid `PLE0237` for property with setter ([11377](
- Avoid `TCH005` for `if` stmt with `elif`/`else` block ([11376](
- Avoid flagging `__future__` annotations as required for non-evaluated type annotations ([11414](
- Check for ruff executable in 'bin' directory as installed by 'pip install --target'. ([11450](
- Sort edits prior to deduplicating in quotation fix ([11452](
- Treat escaped newline as valid sequence ([11465](
- \[`flake8-pie`\] Preserve parentheses in `unnecessary-dict-kwargs` ([11372](
- \[`pylint`\] Ignore `__slots__` with dynamic values ([11488](
- \[`pylint`\] Remove `try` body from branch counting ([11487](
- \[`refurb`\] Respect operator precedence in `FURB110` ([11464](
- Add `--preview` to the README ([11395](
- Add Python 3.13 to list of allowed Python versions ([11411](
- Simplify Neovim setup documentation ([11489](
- Update to reflect the new parser ([11434](
- Update server documentation with new migration guide ([11499](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Clarify motivation for `E713` and `E714` ([11483](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Update docs to describe WAI behavior (F541) ([11362](
- \[`pylint`\] Clearly indicate what is counted as a branch ([11423](
### 0.4.4
Preview features
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Ignore end-of-line comments when determining blank line rules ([11342](
- \[`pylint`\] Detect `` calls in `unspecified-encoding` (`PLW1514`) ([11288](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI059` (`generic-not-last-base-class`) ([11233](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI062` (`duplicate-literal-member`) ([11269](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-boolean-trap`\] Allow passing booleans as positional-only arguments in code such as `set(True)` ([11287](
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Ignore enum classes in `cached-instance-method` (`B019`) ([11312](
- Expand tildes when resolving Ruff server configuration file ([11283](
- Fix `ruff server` hanging after Neovim closes ([11291](
- Editor settings are used by default if no file-based configuration exists ([11266](
Bug fixes
- \[`pylint`\] Consider `with` statements for `too-many-branches` (`PLR0912`) ([11321](
- \[`flake8-blind-except`, `tryceratops`\] Respect logged and re-raised expressions in nested statements (`BLE001`, `TRY201`) ([11301](
- Recognise assignments such as `__all__ = builtins.list(["foo", "bar"])` as valid `__all__` definitions ([11335](
### 0.4.3
- Add support for PEP 696 syntax ([11120](
Preview features
- \[`refurb`\] Use function range for `reimplemented-operator` diagnostics ([11271](
- \[`refurb`\] Ignore methods in `reimplemented-operator` (`FURB118`) ([11270](
- \[`refurb`\] Implement `fstring-number-format` (`FURB116`) ([10921](
- \[`ruff`\] Implement `redirected-noqa` (`RUF101`) ([11052](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Distinguish between first-party and third-party imports for fix suggestions ([11168](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Ignore non-abstract class attributes when enforcing `B024` ([11210](
- \[`flake8-logging`\] Include inline instantiations when detecting loggers ([11154](
- \[`pylint`\] Also emit `PLR0206` for properties with variadic parameters ([11200](
- \[`ruff`\] Detect duplicate codes as part of `unused-noqa` (`RUF100`) ([10850](
- Avoid multiline expression if format specifier is present ([11123](
- Write `ruff server` setup guide for Helix ([11183](
- `ruff server` no longer hangs after shutdown ([11222](
- `ruff server` reads from a configuration TOML file in the user configuration directory if no local configuration exists ([11225](
- `ruff server` respects `per-file-ignores` configuration ([11224](
- `ruff server`: Support a custom TOML configuration file ([11140](
- `ruff server`: Support setting to prioritize project configuration over editor configuration ([11086](
Bug fixes
- Avoid debug assertion around NFKC renames ([11249](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Prioritize `redefined-while-unused` over `unused-import` ([11173](
- \[`ruff`\] Respect `async` expressions in comprehension bodies ([11219](
- \[`pygrep_hooks`\] Fix `blanket-noqa` panic when last line has noqa with no newline (`PGH004`) ([11108](
- \[`perflint`\] Ignore list-copy recommendations for async `for` loops ([11250](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Improve `invalid-print-syntax` documentation ([11171](
- Avoid allocations for isort module names ([11251](
- Build a separate ARM wheel for macOS ([11149](
- Increase the minimum requirement to Windows 10.
### 0.4.2
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Allow for overloaded `__exit__` and `__aexit__` definitions (`PYI036`) ([11057](
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Catch usages of `"%s" % var` and provide an unsafe fix (`UP031`) ([11019](
- \[`refurb`\] Implement new rule that suggests min/max over `sorted()` (`FURB192`) ([10868](
- Fix an issue with missing diagnostics for Neovim and Helix ([11092](
- Implement hover documentation for `noqa` codes ([11096](
- Introduce common Ruff configuration options with new server settings ([11062](
Bug fixes
- Use `macos-12` for building release wheels to enable macOS 11 compatibility ([11146](
- \[`flake8-blind-expect`\] Allow raise from in `BLE001` ([11131](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Allow simple assignments to `None` in enum class scopes (`PYI026`) ([11128](
- \[`flake8-simplify`\] Avoid raising `SIM911` for non-`zip` attribute calls ([11126](
- \[`refurb`\] Avoid `operator.itemgetter` suggestion for single-item tuple ([11095](
- \[`ruff`\] Respect per-file-ignores for `RUF100` with no other diagnostics ([11058](
- \[`ruff`\] Fix async comprehension false positive (`RUF029`) ([11070](
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Document explicitly disabling strict zip (`B905`) ([11040](
- \[`flake8-type-checking`\] Mention `lint.typing-modules` in `TCH001`, `TCH002`, and `TCH003` ([11144](
- \[`isort`\] Improve documentation around custom `isort` sections ([11050](
- \[`pylint`\] Fix documentation oversight for `invalid-X-returns` ([11094](
- Use `matchit` to resolve per-file settings ([11111](
### 0.4.1
Preview features
- \[`pylint`\] Implement `invalid-hash-returned` (`PLE0309`) ([10961](
- \[`pylint`\] Implement `invalid-index-returned` (`PLE0305`) ([10962](
Bug fixes
- \[`pylint`\] Allow `NoReturn`-like functions for `__str__`, `__len__`, etc. (`PLE0307`) ([11017](
- Parser: Use empty range when there's "gap" in token source ([11032](
- \[`ruff`\] Ignore stub functions in `unused-async` (`RUF029`) ([11026](
- Parser: Expect indented case block instead of match stmt ([11033](
### 0.4.0
A new, hand-written parser
Ruff's new parser is **>2x faster**, which translates to a **20-40% speedup** for all linting and formatting invocations.
There's a lot to say about this exciting change, so check out the [blog post]( for more details!
See [10036]( for implementation details.
A new language server in Rust
With this release, we also want to highlight our new language server. `ruff server` is a Rust-powered language
server that comes built-in with Ruff. It can be used with any editor that supports the [Language Server Protocol]( (LSP).
It uses a multi-threaded, lock-free architecture inspired by `rust-analyzer` and it will open the door for a lot
of exciting features. It’s also faster than our previous [Python-based language server](
-- but you probably guessed that already.
`ruff server` is only in alpha, but it has a lot of features that you can try out today:
- Lints Python files automatically and shows quick-fixes when available
- Formats Python files, with support for range formatting
- Comes with commands for quickly performing actions: `ruff.applyAutofix`, `ruff.applyFormat`, and `ruff.applyOrganizeImports`
- Supports `source.fixAll` and `source.organizeImports` source actions
- Automatically reloads your project configuration when you change it
To setup `ruff server` with your editor, refer to the [](
Preview features
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Do not trigger `E3` rules on `def`s following a function/method with a dummy body ([10704](
- \[`pylint`\] Implement `invalid-bytes-returned` (`E0308`) ([10959](
- \[`pylint`\] Implement `invalid-length-returned` (`E0303`) ([10963](
- \[`pylint`\] Implement `self-cls-assignment` (`W0642`) ([9267](
- \[`pylint`\] Omit stubs from `invalid-bool` and `invalid-str-return-type` ([11008](
- \[`ruff`\] New rule `unused-async` (`RUF029`) to detect unneeded `async` keywords on functions ([9966](
Rule changes
- \[`flake8-bandit`\] Allow `urllib.request.urlopen` calls with static `Request` argument (`S310`) ([10964](
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Treat `raise NotImplemented`-only bodies as stub functions (`B006`) ([10990](
- \[`flake8-slots`\] Respect same-file `Enum` subclasses (`SLOT000`) ([11006](
- \[`pylint`\] Support inverted comparisons (`PLR1730`) ([10920](
- Improve handling of builtin symbols in linter rules ([10919](
- Improve display of rules in `--show-settings` ([11003](
- Improve inference capabilities of the `BuiltinTypeChecker` ([10976](
- Resolve classes and functions relative to script name ([10965](
- Improve performance of `RuleTable::any_enabled` ([10971](
*This section is devoted to updates for our new language server, written in Rust.*
- Enable ruff-specific source actions ([10916](
- Refreshes diagnostics for open files when file configuration is changed ([10988](
- Important errors are now shown as popups ([10951](
- Introduce settings for directly configuring the linter and formatter ([10984](
- Resolve configuration for each document individually ([10950](
- Write a setup guide for Neovim ([10987](
- Add `RUFF_OUTPUT_FILE` environment variable support ([10992](
Bug fixes
- Avoid `non-augmented-assignment` for reversed, non-commutative operators (`PLR6104`) ([10909](
- Limit commutative non-augmented-assignments to primitive data types (`PLR6104`) ([10912](
- Respect `per-file-ignores` for `RUF100` on blanket ` noqa` ([10908](
- Consider `if` expression for parenthesized with items parsing ([11010](
- Consider binary expr for parenthesized with items parsing ([11012](
- Reset `FOR_TARGET` context for all kinds of parentheses ([11009](
### 0.3.7
Preview features
- \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Implement `loop-iterator-mutation` (`B909`) ([9578](
- \[`pylint`\] Implement rule to prefer augmented assignment (`PLR6104`) ([9932](
Bug fixes
- Avoid TOCTOU errors in cache initialization ([10884](
- \[`pylint`\] Recode `nan-comparison` rule to `W0177` ([10894](
- \[`pylint`\] Reverse min-max logic in `if-stmt-min-max` ([10890](
### 0.3.6
Preview features
- \[`pylint`\] Implement `bad-staticmethod-argument` (`PLW0211`) ([10781](
- \[`pylint`\] Implement `if-stmt-min-max` (`PLR1730`, `PLR1731`) ([10002](
- \[`pyupgrade`\] Replace `str,Enum` multiple inheritance with `StrEnum` `UP042` ([10713](
- \[`refurb`\] Implement `if-expr-instead-of-or-operator` (`FURB110`) ([10687](
- \[`refurb`\] Implement `int-on-sliced-str` (`FURB166`) ([10650](
- \[`refurb`\] Implement `write-whole-file` (`FURB103`) ([10802](
- \[`refurb`\] Support `itemgetter` in `reimplemented-operator` (`FURB118`) ([10526](
- \[`flake8_comprehensions`\] Add `sum`/`min`/`max` to unnecessary comprehension check (`C419`) ([10759](
Rule changes
- \[`pydocstyle`\] Require capitalizing docstrings where the first sentence is a single word (`D403`) ([10776](
- \[`pycodestyle`\] Ignore annotated lambdas in class scopes (`E731`) ([10720](
- \[`flake8-pyi`\] Various improvements to PYI034 ([10807](
- \[`flake8-slots`\] Flag subclasses of call-based `typing.NamedTuple`s as well as subclasses of `collections.namedtuple()` (`SLOT002`) ([10808](
- \[`pyflakes`\] Allow forward references in class bases in stub files (`F821`) ([10779](
- \[`pygrep-hooks`\] Improve `blanket-noqa` error message (`PGH004`) ([10851](
- Support `FORCE_COLOR` env var ([10839](
- Support negated patterns in `[extend-]per-file-ignores` ([10852](
Bug fixes
- \[`flake8-import-conventions`\] Accept non-aliased (but correct) import in `unconventional-import-alias` (`ICN001`) ([10729](
- \[`flake8-quotes`\] Add semantic model flag when inside f-string replacement field ([10766](
- \[`pep8-naming`\] Recursively resolve `TypeDicts` for N815 violations ([10719](
- \[`flake8-quotes`\] Respect `Q00*` ignores in `flake8-quotes` rules ([10728](
- \[`flake8-simplify`\] Show negated condition in `needless-bool` diagnostics (`SIM103`) ([10854](
- \[`ruff`\] Use within-scope shadowed bindings in `asyncio-dangling-task` (`RUF006`) ([10793](
- \[`flake8-pytest-style`\] Fix single-tuple conversion in `pytest-parametrize-values-wrong-type` (`PT007`) ([10862](
- \[`flake8-return`\] Ignore assignments to annotated variables in `unnecessary-assign` (`RET504`) ([10741](
- \[`refurb`\] Do not allow any keyword arguments for `read-whole-file` in `rb` mode (`FURB101`) ([10803](
- \[`pylint`\] Don't recommend decorating staticmethods with `singledispatch` (`PLE1519`, `PLE1520`) ([10637](
- \[`pydocstyle`\] Use section name range for all section-related docstring diagnostics ([10740](
- Respect ` noqa` directives on `__all__` openers ([10798](
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Homepage:
This PR updates ruff from 0.3.5 to 0.6.6.
### 0.6.5 ``` Preview features - \[`pydoclint`\] Ignore `DOC201` when function name is "**new**" ([13300]( - \[`refurb`\] Implement `slice-to-remove-prefix-or-suffix` (`FURB188`) ([13256]( Rule changes - \[`eradicate`\] Ignore script-comments with multiple end-tags (`ERA001`) ([13283]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Improve error message for `UndefinedName` when a builtin was added in a newer version than specified in Ruff config (`F821`) ([13293]( Server - Add support for extensionless Python files for server ([13326]( - Fix configuration inheritance for configurations specified in the LSP settings ([13285]( Bug fixes - \[`ruff`\] Handle unary operators in `decimal-from-float-literal` (`RUF032`) ([13275]( CLI - Only include rules with diagnostics in SARIF metadata ([13268]( Playground - Add "Copy as pyproject.toml/ruff.toml" and "Paste from TOML" ([13328]( - Fix errors not shown for restored snippet on page load ([13262]( ``` ### 0.6.4 ``` Preview features - \[`flake8-builtins`\] Use dynamic builtins list based on Python version ([13172]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Permit yielding `None` in `DOC402` and `DOC403` ([13148]( - \[`pylint`\] Update diagnostic message for `PLW3201` ([13194]( - \[`ruff`\] Implement `post-init-default` (`RUF033`) ([13192]( - \[`ruff`\] Implement useless if-else (`RUF034`) ([13218]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Respect `pep8_naming.classmethod-decorators` settings when determining if a method is a classmethod in `custom-type-var-return-type` (`PYI019`) ([13162]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Teach various rules that annotations might be stringized ([12951]( - \[`pylint`\] Avoid `no-self-use` for `attrs`-style validators ([13166]( - \[`pylint`\] Recurse into subscript subexpressions when searching for list/dict lookups (`PLR1733`, `PLR1736`) ([13186]( - \[`pyupgrade`\] Detect `` calls in `UP015` ([13173]( - \[`pyupgrade`\] Mark `sys.version_info[0] < 3` and similar comparisons as outdated (`UP036`) ([13175]( CLI - Enrich messages of SARIF results ([13180]( - Handle singular case for incompatible rules warning in `ruff format` output ([13212]( Bug fixes - \[`pydocstyle`\] Improve heuristics for detecting Google-style docstrings ([13142]( - \[`refurb`\] Treat `sep` arguments with effects as unsafe removals (`FURB105`) ([13165]( ``` ### 0.6.3 ``` Preview features - \[`flake8-simplify`\] Extend `open-file-with-context-handler` to work with `dbm.sqlite3` (`SIM115`) ([13104]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Disable `E741` in stub files (`.pyi`) ([13119]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Avoid `DOC201` on explicit returns in functions that only return `None` ([13064]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-async`\] Disable check for `asyncio` before Python 3.11 (`ASYNC109`) ([13023]( Bug fixes - \[`FastAPI`\] Avoid introducing invalid syntax in fix for `fast-api-non-annotated-dependency` (`FAST002`) ([13133]( - \[`flake8-implicit-str-concat`\] Normalize octals before merging concatenated strings in `single-line-implicit-string-concatenation` (`ISC001`) ([13118]( - \[`flake8-pytest-style`\] Improve help message for `pytest-incorrect-mark-parentheses-style` (`PT023`) ([13092]( - \[`pylint`\] Avoid autofix for calls that aren't `min` or `max` as starred expression (`PLW3301`) ([13089]( - \[`ruff`\] Add `datetime.time`, `datetime.tzinfo`, and `datetime.timezone` as immutable function calls (`RUF009`) ([13109]( - \[`ruff`\] Extend comment deletion for `RUF100` to include trailing text from `noqa` directives while preserving any following comments on the same line, if any ([13105]( - Fix dark theme on initial page load for the Ruff playground ([13077]( ``` ### 0.6.2 ``` Preview features - \[`flake8-simplify`\] Extend `open-file-with-context-handler` to work with other standard-library IO modules (`SIM115`) ([12959]( - \[`ruff`\] Avoid `unused-async` for functions with FastAPI route decorator (`RUF029`) ([12938]( - \[`ruff`\] Ignore `fstring-missing-syntax` (`RUF027`) for `fastAPI` paths ([12939]( - \[`ruff`\] Implement check for Decimal called with a float literal (RUF032) ([12909]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Update diagnostic message when expression is at the end of function (`B015`) ([12944]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Skip type annotations in `string-or-bytes-too-long` (`PYI053`) ([13002]( - \[`flake8-type-checking`\] Always recognise relative imports as first-party ([12994]( - \[`flake8-unused-arguments`\] Ignore unused arguments on stub functions (`ARG001`) ([12966]( - \[`pylint`\] Ignore augmented assignment for `self-cls-assignment` (`PLW0642`) ([12957]( Server - Show full context in error log messages ([13029]( Bug fixes - \[`pep8-naming`\] Don't flag `from` imports following conventional import names (`N817`) ([12946]( - \[`pylint`\] - Allow `__new__` methods to have `cls` as their first argument even if decorated with `staticmethod` for `bad-staticmethod-argument` (`PLW0211`) ([12958]( Documentation - Add `hyperfine` installation instructions; update `hyperfine` code samples ([13034]( - Expand note to use Ruff with other language server in Kate ([12806]( - Update example for `PT001` as per the new default behavior ([13019]( - \[`perflint`\] Improve docs for `try-except-in-loop` (`PERF203`) ([12947]( - \[`pydocstyle`\] Add reference to `lint.pydocstyle.ignore-decorators` setting to rule docs ([12996]( ``` ### 0.6.1 ``` This is a hotfix release to address an issue with `ruff-pre-commit`. In v0.6, Ruff changed its behavior to lint and format Jupyter notebooks by default; however, due to an oversight, these files were still excluded by default if Ruff was run via pre-commit, leading to inconsistent behavior. This has [now been fixed]( Preview features - \[`fastapi`\] Implement `fast-api-unused-path-parameter` (`FAST003`) ([12638]( Rule changes - \[`pylint`\] Rename `too-many-positional` to `too-many-positional-arguments` (`R0917`) ([12905]( Server - Fix crash when applying "fix-all" code-action to notebook cells ([12929]( Other changes - \[`flake8-naming`\]: Respect import conventions (`N817`) ([12922]( ``` ### 0.6.0 ``` - Detect imports in `src` layouts by default for `isort` rules ([12848]( - The pytest rules `PT001` and `PT023` now default to omitting the decorator parentheses when there are no arguments ([12838]( - Lint and format Jupyter Notebook by default ([12878]( You can disable specific rules for notebooks using [`per-file-ignores`]( toml [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] "*.ipynb" = ["E501"] disable line-too-long in notebooks If you'd prefer to either only lint or only format Jupyter Notebook files, you can use the section-specific `exclude` option to do so. For example, the following would only lint Jupyter Notebook files and not format them: toml [tool.ruff.format] exclude = ["*.ipynb"] And, conversely, the following would only format Jupyter Notebook files and not lint them: toml [tool.ruff.lint] exclude = ["*.ipynb"] You can completely disable Jupyter Notebook support by updating the [`extend-exclude`]( setting: toml [tool.ruff] extend-exclude = ["*.ipynb"] ``` ### 0.5.7 ``` Preview features - \[`flake8-comprehensions`\] Account for list and set comprehensions in `unnecessary-literal-within-tuple-call` (`C409`) ([12657]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Add autofix for `future-annotations-in-stub` (`PYI044`) ([12676]( - \[`flake8-return`\] Avoid syntax error when auto-fixing `RET505` with mixed indentation (space and tabs) ([12740]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Add `docstring-missing-yields` (`DOC402`) and `docstring-extraneous-yields` (`DOC403`) ([12538]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Avoid `DOC201` if docstring begins with "Return", "Returns", "Yield", or "Yields" ([12675]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Deduplicate collected exceptions after traversing function bodies (`DOC501`) ([12642]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Ignore `DOC` errors for stub functions ([12651]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Teach rules to understand reraised exceptions as being explicitly raised (`DOC501`, `DOC502`) ([12639]( - \[`ruff`\] Implement `incorrectly-parenthesized-tuple-in-subscript` (`RUF031`) ([12480]( - \[`ruff`\] Mark `RUF023` fix as unsafe if `__slots__` is not a set and the binding is used elsewhere ([12692]( Rule changes - \[`refurb`\] Add autofix for `implicit-cwd` (`FURB177`) ([12708]( - \[`ruff`\] Add autofix for `zip-instead-of-pairwise` (`RUF007`) ([12663]( - \[`tryceratops`\] Add `BaseException` to `raise-vanilla-class` rule (`TRY002`) ([12620]( Server - Ignore non-file workspace URL; Ruff will display a warning notification in this case ([12725]( CLI - Fix cache invalidation for nested `pyproject.toml` files ([12727]( Bug fixes - \[`flake8-async`\] Fix false positives with multiple `async with` items (`ASYNC100`) ([12643]( - \[`flake8-bandit`\] Avoid false-positives for list concatenations in SQL construction (`S608`) ([12720]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Treat `return` as equivalent to `break` (`B909`) ([12646]( - \[`flake8-comprehensions`\] Set comprehensions not a violation for `sum` in `unnecessary-comprehension-in-call` (`C419`) ([12691]( - \[`flake8-simplify`\] Parenthesize conditions based on precedence when merging if arms (`SIM114`) ([12737]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Try both 'Raises' section styles when convention is unspecified (`DOC501`) ([12649]( ``` ### 0.5.6 ``` Ruff 0.5.6 automatically enables linting and formatting of notebooks in *preview mode*. You can opt-out of this behavior by adding `*.ipynb` to the `extend-exclude` setting. toml [tool.ruff] extend-exclude = ["*.ipynb"] Preview features - Enable notebooks by default in preview mode ([12621]( - \[`flake8-builtins`\] Implement import, lambda, and module shadowing ([12546]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Add `docstring-missing-returns` (`DOC201`) and `docstring-extraneous-returns` (`DOC202`) ([12485]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-return`\] Exempt cached properties and other property-like decorators from explicit return rule (`RET501`) ([12563]( Server - Make server panic hook more error resilient ([12610]( - Use `$/logTrace` for server trace logs in Zed and VS Code ([12564]( - Keep track of deleted cells for reorder change request ([12575]( Configuration - \[`flake8-implicit-str-concat`\] Always allow explicit multi-line concatenations when implicit concatenations are banned ([12532]( Bug fixes - \[`flake8-async`\] Avoid flagging `asyncio.timeout`s as unused when the context manager includes `asyncio.TaskGroup` ([12605]( - \[`flake8-slots`\] Avoid recommending `__slots__` for classes that inherit from more than `namedtuple` ([12531]( - \[`isort`\] Avoid marking required imports as unused ([12537]( - \[`isort`\] Preserve trailing inline comments on import-from statements ([12498]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Add newlines before comments (`E305`) ([12606]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Don't attach comments with mismatched indents ([12604]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Fix preview-mode bugs in `F401` when attempting to autofix unused first-party submodule imports in an `` file ([12569]( - \[`pylint`\] Respect start index in `unnecessary-list-index-lookup` ([12603]( - \[`pyupgrade`\] Avoid recommending no-argument super in `slots=True` dataclasses ([12530]( - \[`pyupgrade`\] Use colon rather than dot formatting for integer-only types ([12534]( - Fix NFKC normalization bug when removing unused imports ([12571]( Other changes - Consider more stdlib decorators to be property-like ([12583]( - Improve handling of metaclasses in various linter rules ([12579]( - Improve consistency between linter rules in determining whether a function is property ([12581]( ``` ### 0.5.5 ``` Preview features - \[`fastapi`\] Implement `fastapi-redundant-response-model` (`FAST001`) and `fastapi-non-annotated-dependency`(`FAST002`) ([11579]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Implement `docstring-missing-exception` (`DOC501`) and `docstring-extraneous-exception` (`DOC502`) ([11471]( Rule changes - \[`numpy`\] Fix NumPy 2.0 rule for `np.alltrue` and `np.sometrue` ([12473]( - \[`numpy`\] Ignore `NPY201` inside `except` blocks for compatibility with older numpy versions ([12490]( - \[`pep8-naming`\] Avoid applying `ignore-names` to `self` and `cls` function names (`N804`, `N805`) ([12497]( Formatter - Fix incorrect placement of leading function comment with type params ([12447]( Server - Do not bail code action resolution when a quick fix is requested ([12462]( Bug fixes - Fix `Ord` implementation of `cmp_fix` ([12471]( - Raise syntax error for unparenthesized generator expression in multi-argument call ([12445]( - \[`pydoclint`\] Fix panic in `DOC501` reported in [12428]( ([#12435]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Allow singleton tuples with starred expressions in `B013` ([12484]( Documentation - Add Eglot setup guide for Emacs editor ([12426]( - Add note about the breaking change in `nvim-lspconfig` ([12507]( - Add note to include notebook files for native server ([12449]( - Add setup docs for Zed editor ([12501]( ``` ### 0.5.4 ``` Rule changes - \[`ruff`\] Rename `RUF007` to `zip-instead-of-pairwise` ([12399]( Bug fixes - \[`flake8-builtins`\] Avoid shadowing diagnostics for `override` methods ([12415]( - \[`flake8-comprehensions`\] Insert parentheses for multi-argument generators ([12422]( - \[`pydocstyle`\] Handle escaped docstrings within docstring (`D301`) ([12192]( Documentation - Fix GitHub link to Neovim setup ([12410]( - Fix `output-format` default in settings reference ([12409]( ``` ### 0.5.3 ``` [documentation](, including [setup guides for your editor of choice]( and [the language server itself](**. Preview features - Formatter: Insert empty line between suite and alternative branch after function/class definition ([12294]( - \[`pyupgrade`\] Implement `unnecessary-default-type-args` (`UP043`) ([12371]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Detect enumerate iterations in `loop-iterator-mutation` (`B909`) ([12366]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Remove `discard`, `remove`, and `pop` allowance for `loop-iterator-mutation` (`B909`) ([12365]( - \[`pylint`\] Allow `repeated-equality-comparison` for mixed operations (`PLR1714`) ([12369]( - \[`pylint`\] Ignore `self` and `cls` when counting arguments (`PLR0913`) ([12367]( - \[`pylint`\] Use UTF-8 as default encoding in `unspecified-encoding` fix (`PLW1514`) ([12370]( Server - Build settings index in parallel for the native server ([12299]( - Use fallback settings when indexing the project ([12362]( - Consider `--preview` flag for `server` subcommand for the linter and formatter ([12208]( Bug fixes - \[`flake8-comprehensions`\] Allow additional arguments for `sum` and `max` comprehensions (`C419`) ([12364]( - \[`pylint`\] Avoid dropping extra boolean operations in `repeated-equality-comparison` (`PLR1714`) ([12368]( - \[`pylint`\] Consider expression before statement when determining binding kind (`PLR1704`) ([12346]( Documentation - Add docs for Ruff language server ([12344]( - Migrate to standalone docs repo ([12341]( - Update versioning policy for editor integration ([12375]( Other changes - Publish Wasm API to npm ([12317]( ``` ### 0.5.2 ``` Preview features - Use `space` separator before parenthesized expressions in comprehensions with leading comments ([12282]( - \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC100` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12221]( - \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC109` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12236]( - \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC110` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12261]( - \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC115` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12262]( - \[`flake8-async`\] Update `ASYNC116` to include `anyio` and `asyncio` ([12266]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-return`\] Exempt properties from explicit return rule (`RET501`) ([12243]( - \[`numpy`\] Add `np.NAN`-to-`np.nan` diagnostic ([12292]( - \[`refurb`\] Make `list-reverse-copy` an unsafe fix ([12303]( Server - Consider `include` and `extend-include` settings in native server ([12252]( - Include nested configurations in settings reloading ([12253]( CLI - Omit code frames for fixes with empty ranges ([12304]( - Warn about formatter incompatibility for `D203` ([12238]( Bug fixes - Make cache-write failures non-fatal on Windows ([12302]( - Treat `not` operations as boolean tests ([12301]( - \[`flake8-bandit`\] Avoid `S310` violations for HTTP-safe f-strings ([12305]( - \[`flake8-bandit`\] Support explicit string concatenations in S310 HTTP detection ([12315]( - \[`flake8-bandit`\] fix S113 false positive for httpx without `timeout` argument ([12213]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Remove "non-obvious" allowance for E721 ([12300]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Consider `with` blocks as single-item branches for redefinition analysis ([12311]( - \[`refurb`\] Restrict forwarding for `newline` argument in `open()` calls to Python versions >= 3.10 ([12244]( Documentation - Update help and documentation to reflect `--output-format full` default ([12248]( Performance - Use more threads when discovering Python files ([12258]( ``` ### 0.5.1 ``` Preview features - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Implement mutable-contextvar-default (B039) ([12113]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Whitespace after decorator (`E204`) ([12140]( - \[`pytest`\] Reverse `PT001` and `PT0023` defaults ([12106]( Rule changes - Enable token-based rules on source with syntax errors ([11950]( - \[`flake8-bandit`\] Detect `httpx` for `S113` ([12174]( - \[`numpy`\] Update `NPY201` to include exception deprecations ([12065]( - \[`pylint`\] Generate autofix for `duplicate-bases` (`PLE0241`) ([12105]( Server - Avoid syntax error notification for source code actions ([12148]( - Consider the content of the new cells during notebook sync ([12203]( - Fix replacement edit range computation ([12171]( Bug fixes - Disable auto-fix when source has syntax errors ([12134]( - Fix cache key collisions for paths with separators ([12159]( - Make `requires-python` inference robust to `==` ([12091]( - Use char-wise width instead of `str`-width ([12135]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Avoid `E275` if keyword followed by comma ([12136]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Avoid `E275` if keyword is followed by a semicolon ([12095]( - \[`pylint`\] Skip [dummy variables]( for `PLR1704` ([12190]( Performance - Remove allocation in `parse_identifier` ([12103]( - Use `CompactString` for `Identifier` AST node ([12101]( ``` ### 0.5.0 ``` - Follow the XDG specification to discover user-level configurations on macOS (same as on other Unix platforms) - Selecting `ALL` now excludes deprecated rules - The released archives now include an extra level of nesting, which can be removed with `--strip-components=1` when untarring. - The release artifact's file name no longer includes the version tag. This enables users to install via `/latest` URLs on GitHub. ``` ### 0.4.10 ``` Parser - Implement re-lexing logic for better error recovery ([11845]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-copyright`\] Update `CPY001` to check the first 4096 bytes instead of 1024 ([11927]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Update `E999` to show all syntax errors instead of just the first one ([11900]( Server - Add tracing setup guide to Helix documentation ([11883]( - Add tracing setup guide to Neovim documentation ([11884]( - Defer notebook cell deletion to avoid an error message ([11864]( Security - Guard against malicious ecosystem comment artifacts ([11879]( ``` ### 0.4.9 ``` Preview features - \[`pylint`\] Implement `consider-dict-items` (`C0206`) ([11688]( - \[`refurb`\] Implement `repeated-global` (`FURB154`) ([11187]( Rule changes - \[`pycodestyle`\] Adapt fix for `E203` to work identical to `ruff format` ([10999]( Formatter - Fix formatter instability for lines only consisting of zero-width characters ([11748]( Server - Add supported commands in server capabilities ([11850]( - Use real file path when available in `ruff server` ([11800]( - Improve error message when a command is run on an unavailable document ([11823]( - Introduce the `ruff.printDebugInformation` command ([11831]( - Tracing system now respects log level and trace level, with options to log to a file ([11747]( CLI - Handle non-printable characters in diff view ([11687]( Bug fixes - \[`refurb`\] Avoid suggesting starmap when arguments are used outside call (`FURB140`) ([11830]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Avoid panic in `B909` when checking large loop blocks ([11772]( - \[`refurb`\] Fix misbehavior of `operator.itemgetter` when getter param is a tuple (`FURB118`) ([11774]( ``` ### 0.4.8 ``` Performance - Linter performance has been improved by around 10% on some microbenchmarks by refactoring the lexer and parser to maintain synchronicity between them ([11457]( Preview features - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Implement `return-in-generator` (`B901`) ([11644]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI063` ([11699]( - \[`pygrep_hooks`\] Check blanket ignores via file-level pragmas (`PGH004`) ([11540]( Rule changes - \[`pyupgrade`\] Update `UP035` for Python 3.13 and the latest version of `typing_extensions` ([11693]( - \[`numpy`\] Update `NPY001` rule for NumPy 2.0 ([11735]( Server - Formatting a document with syntax problems no longer spams a visible error popup ([11745]( CLI - Add RDJson support for `--output-format` flag ([11682]( Bug fixes - \[`pyupgrade`\] Write empty string in lieu of panic when fixing `UP032` ([11696]( - \[`flake8-simplify`\] Simplify double negatives in `SIM103` ([11684]( - Ensure the expression generator adds a newline before `type` statements ([11720]( - Respect per-file ignores for blanket and redirected noqa rules ([11728]( ``` ### 0.4.7 ``` Preview features - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI064` ([11325]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI066` ([11541]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI057` ([11486]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Enable `F822` in `` files by default ([11370]( Formatter - Fix incorrect placement of trailing stub function comments ([11632]( Server - Respect file exclusions in `ruff server` ([11590]( - Add support for documents not exist on disk ([11588]( - Add Vim and Kate setup guide for `ruff server` ([11615]( Bug fixes - Avoid removing newlines between docstring headers and rST blocks ([11609]( - Infer indentation with imports when logical indent is absent ([11608]( - Use char index rather than position for indent slice ([11645]( - \[`flake8-comprehension`\] Strip parentheses around generators in `C400` ([11607]( - Mark `repeated-isinstance-calls` as unsafe on Python 3.10 and later ([11622]( ``` ### 0.4.6 ``` Breaking changes - Use project-relative paths when calculating GitLab fingerprints ([11532]( - Bump minimum supported Windows version to Windows 10 ([11613]( Preview features - \[`flake8-async`\] Sleep with >24 hour interval should usually sleep forever (`ASYNC116`) ([11498]( Rule changes - \[`numpy`\] Add missing functions to NumPy 2.0 migration rule ([11528]( - \[`mccabe`\] Consider irrefutable pattern similar to `if .. else` for `C901` ([11565]( - Consider `match`-`case` statements for `C901`, `PLR0912`, and `PLR0915` ([11521]( - Remove empty strings when converting to f-string (`UP032`) ([11524]( - \[`flake8-bandit`\] `request-without-timeout` should warn for `requests.request` ([11548]( - \[`flake8-self`\] Ignore sunder accesses in `flake8-self` rules ([11546]( - \[`pyupgrade`\] Lint for `TypeAliasType` usages (`UP040`) ([11530]( Server - Respect excludes in `ruff server` configuration discovery ([11551]( - Use default settings if initialization options is empty or not provided ([11566]( - `ruff server` correctly treats `.pyi` files as stub files ([11535]( - `ruff server` searches for configuration in parent directories ([11537]( - `ruff server`: An empty code action filter no longer returns notebook source actions ([11526]( Bug fixes - \[`flake8-logging-format`\] Fix autofix title in `logging-warn` (`G010`) ([11514]( - \[`refurb`\] Avoid recommending `operator.itemgetter` with dependence on lambda arguments ([11574]( - \[`flake8-simplify`\] Avoid recommending context manager in `__enter__` implementations ([11575]( - Create intermediary directories for `--output-file` ([11550]( - Propagate reads on global variables ([11584]( - Treat all `singledispatch` arguments as runtime-required ([11523]( ``` ### 0.4.5 ``` Ruff's language server is now in Beta `v0.4.5` marks the official Beta release of `ruff server`, an integrated language server built into Ruff. `ruff server` supports the same feature set as `ruff-lsp`, powering linting, formatting, and code fixes in Ruff's editor integrations -- but with superior performance and no installation required. We'd love your feedback! You can enable `ruff server` in the [VS Code extension]( today. To read more about this exciting milestone, check out our [blog post](! Rule changes - \[`flake8-future-annotations`\] Reword `future-rewritable-type-annotation` (`FA100`) message ([11381]( - \[`isort`\] Expanded the set of standard-library modules to include `_string`, etc. ([11374]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Consider soft keywords for `E27` rules ([11446]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Recommend adding unused import bindings to `__all__` ([11314]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Update documentation and deprecate `ignore_init_module_imports` ([11436]( - \[`pyupgrade`\] Mark quotes as unnecessary for non-evaluated annotations ([11485]( Formatter - Avoid multiline quotes warning with `quote-style = preserve` ([11490]( Server - Support Jupyter Notebook files ([11206]( - Support `noqa` comment code actions ([11276]( - Fix automatic configuration reloading ([11492]( - Fix several issues with configuration in Neovim and Helix ([11497]( CLI - Add `--output-format` as a CLI option for `ruff config` ([11438]( Bug fixes - Avoid `PLE0237` for property with setter ([11377]( - Avoid `TCH005` for `if` stmt with `elif`/`else` block ([11376]( - Avoid flagging `__future__` annotations as required for non-evaluated type annotations ([11414]( - Check for ruff executable in 'bin' directory as installed by 'pip install --target'. ([11450]( - Sort edits prior to deduplicating in quotation fix ([11452]( - Treat escaped newline as valid sequence ([11465]( - \[`flake8-pie`\] Preserve parentheses in `unnecessary-dict-kwargs` ([11372]( - \[`pylint`\] Ignore `__slots__` with dynamic values ([11488]( - \[`pylint`\] Remove `try` body from branch counting ([11487]( - \[`refurb`\] Respect operator precedence in `FURB110` ([11464]( Documentation - Add `--preview` to the README ([11395]( - Add Python 3.13 to list of allowed Python versions ([11411]( - Simplify Neovim setup documentation ([11489]( - Update to reflect the new parser ([11434]( - Update server documentation with new migration guide ([11499]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Clarify motivation for `E713` and `E714` ([11483]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Update docs to describe WAI behavior (F541) ([11362]( - \[`pylint`\] Clearly indicate what is counted as a branch ([11423]( ``` ### 0.4.4 ``` Preview features - \[`pycodestyle`\] Ignore end-of-line comments when determining blank line rules ([11342]( - \[`pylint`\] Detect `` calls in `unspecified-encoding` (`PLW1514`) ([11288]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI059` (`generic-not-last-base-class`) ([11233]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Implement `PYI062` (`duplicate-literal-member`) ([11269]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-boolean-trap`\] Allow passing booleans as positional-only arguments in code such as `set(True)` ([11287]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Ignore enum classes in `cached-instance-method` (`B019`) ([11312]( Server - Expand tildes when resolving Ruff server configuration file ([11283]( - Fix `ruff server` hanging after Neovim closes ([11291]( - Editor settings are used by default if no file-based configuration exists ([11266]( Bug fixes - \[`pylint`\] Consider `with` statements for `too-many-branches` (`PLR0912`) ([11321]( - \[`flake8-blind-except`, `tryceratops`\] Respect logged and re-raised expressions in nested statements (`BLE001`, `TRY201`) ([11301]( - Recognise assignments such as `__all__ = builtins.list(["foo", "bar"])` as valid `__all__` definitions ([11335]( ``` ### 0.4.3 ``` Enhancements - Add support for PEP 696 syntax ([11120]( Preview features - \[`refurb`\] Use function range for `reimplemented-operator` diagnostics ([11271]( - \[`refurb`\] Ignore methods in `reimplemented-operator` (`FURB118`) ([11270]( - \[`refurb`\] Implement `fstring-number-format` (`FURB116`) ([10921]( - \[`ruff`\] Implement `redirected-noqa` (`RUF101`) ([11052]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Distinguish between first-party and third-party imports for fix suggestions ([11168]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Ignore non-abstract class attributes when enforcing `B024` ([11210]( - \[`flake8-logging`\] Include inline instantiations when detecting loggers ([11154]( - \[`pylint`\] Also emit `PLR0206` for properties with variadic parameters ([11200]( - \[`ruff`\] Detect duplicate codes as part of `unused-noqa` (`RUF100`) ([10850]( Formatter - Avoid multiline expression if format specifier is present ([11123]( LSP - Write `ruff server` setup guide for Helix ([11183]( - `ruff server` no longer hangs after shutdown ([11222]( - `ruff server` reads from a configuration TOML file in the user configuration directory if no local configuration exists ([11225]( - `ruff server` respects `per-file-ignores` configuration ([11224]( - `ruff server`: Support a custom TOML configuration file ([11140]( - `ruff server`: Support setting to prioritize project configuration over editor configuration ([11086]( Bug fixes - Avoid debug assertion around NFKC renames ([11249]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Prioritize `redefined-while-unused` over `unused-import` ([11173]( - \[`ruff`\] Respect `async` expressions in comprehension bodies ([11219]( - \[`pygrep_hooks`\] Fix `blanket-noqa` panic when last line has noqa with no newline (`PGH004`) ([11108]( - \[`perflint`\] Ignore list-copy recommendations for async `for` loops ([11250]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Improve `invalid-print-syntax` documentation ([11171]( Performance - Avoid allocations for isort module names ([11251]( - Build a separate ARM wheel for macOS ([11149]( Windows - Increase the minimum requirement to Windows 10. ``` ### 0.4.2 ``` Rule changes - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Allow for overloaded `__exit__` and `__aexit__` definitions (`PYI036`) ([11057]( - \[`pyupgrade`\] Catch usages of `"%s" % var` and provide an unsafe fix (`UP031`) ([11019]( - \[`refurb`\] Implement new rule that suggests min/max over `sorted()` (`FURB192`) ([10868]( Server - Fix an issue with missing diagnostics for Neovim and Helix ([11092]( - Implement hover documentation for `noqa` codes ([11096]( - Introduce common Ruff configuration options with new server settings ([11062]( Bug fixes - Use `macos-12` for building release wheels to enable macOS 11 compatibility ([11146]( - \[`flake8-blind-expect`\] Allow raise from in `BLE001` ([11131]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Allow simple assignments to `None` in enum class scopes (`PYI026`) ([11128]( - \[`flake8-simplify`\] Avoid raising `SIM911` for non-`zip` attribute calls ([11126]( - \[`refurb`\] Avoid `operator.itemgetter` suggestion for single-item tuple ([11095]( - \[`ruff`\] Respect per-file-ignores for `RUF100` with no other diagnostics ([11058]( - \[`ruff`\] Fix async comprehension false positive (`RUF029`) ([11070]( Documentation - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Document explicitly disabling strict zip (`B905`) ([11040]( - \[`flake8-type-checking`\] Mention `lint.typing-modules` in `TCH001`, `TCH002`, and `TCH003` ([11144]( - \[`isort`\] Improve documentation around custom `isort` sections ([11050]( - \[`pylint`\] Fix documentation oversight for `invalid-X-returns` ([11094]( Performance - Use `matchit` to resolve per-file settings ([11111]( ``` ### 0.4.1 ``` Preview features - \[`pylint`\] Implement `invalid-hash-returned` (`PLE0309`) ([10961]( - \[`pylint`\] Implement `invalid-index-returned` (`PLE0305`) ([10962]( Bug fixes - \[`pylint`\] Allow `NoReturn`-like functions for `__str__`, `__len__`, etc. (`PLE0307`) ([11017]( - Parser: Use empty range when there's "gap" in token source ([11032]( - \[`ruff`\] Ignore stub functions in `unused-async` (`RUF029`) ([11026]( - Parser: Expect indented case block instead of match stmt ([11033]( ``` ### 0.4.0 ``` A new, hand-written parser Ruff's new parser is **>2x faster**, which translates to a **20-40% speedup** for all linting and formatting invocations. There's a lot to say about this exciting change, so check out the [blog post]( for more details! See [10036]( for implementation details. A new language server in Rust With this release, we also want to highlight our new language server. `ruff server` is a Rust-powered language server that comes built-in with Ruff. It can be used with any editor that supports the [Language Server Protocol]( (LSP). It uses a multi-threaded, lock-free architecture inspired by `rust-analyzer` and it will open the door for a lot of exciting features. It’s also faster than our previous [Python-based language server]( -- but you probably guessed that already. `ruff server` is only in alpha, but it has a lot of features that you can try out today: - Lints Python files automatically and shows quick-fixes when available - Formats Python files, with support for range formatting - Comes with commands for quickly performing actions: `ruff.applyAutofix`, `ruff.applyFormat`, and `ruff.applyOrganizeImports` - Supports `source.fixAll` and `source.organizeImports` source actions - Automatically reloads your project configuration when you change it To setup `ruff server` with your editor, refer to the []( Preview features - \[`pycodestyle`\] Do not trigger `E3` rules on `def`s following a function/method with a dummy body ([10704]( - \[`pylint`\] Implement `invalid-bytes-returned` (`E0308`) ([10959]( - \[`pylint`\] Implement `invalid-length-returned` (`E0303`) ([10963]( - \[`pylint`\] Implement `self-cls-assignment` (`W0642`) ([9267]( - \[`pylint`\] Omit stubs from `invalid-bool` and `invalid-str-return-type` ([11008]( - \[`ruff`\] New rule `unused-async` (`RUF029`) to detect unneeded `async` keywords on functions ([9966]( Rule changes - \[`flake8-bandit`\] Allow `urllib.request.urlopen` calls with static `Request` argument (`S310`) ([10964]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Treat `raise NotImplemented`-only bodies as stub functions (`B006`) ([10990]( - \[`flake8-slots`\] Respect same-file `Enum` subclasses (`SLOT000`) ([11006]( - \[`pylint`\] Support inverted comparisons (`PLR1730`) ([10920]( Linter - Improve handling of builtin symbols in linter rules ([10919]( - Improve display of rules in `--show-settings` ([11003]( - Improve inference capabilities of the `BuiltinTypeChecker` ([10976]( - Resolve classes and functions relative to script name ([10965]( - Improve performance of `RuleTable::any_enabled` ([10971]( Server *This section is devoted to updates for our new language server, written in Rust.* - Enable ruff-specific source actions ([10916]( - Refreshes diagnostics for open files when file configuration is changed ([10988]( - Important errors are now shown as popups ([10951]( - Introduce settings for directly configuring the linter and formatter ([10984]( - Resolve configuration for each document individually ([10950]( - Write a setup guide for Neovim ([10987]( Configuration - Add `RUFF_OUTPUT_FILE` environment variable support ([10992]( Bug fixes - Avoid `non-augmented-assignment` for reversed, non-commutative operators (`PLR6104`) ([10909]( - Limit commutative non-augmented-assignments to primitive data types (`PLR6104`) ([10912]( - Respect `per-file-ignores` for `RUF100` on blanket ` noqa` ([10908]( - Consider `if` expression for parenthesized with items parsing ([11010]( - Consider binary expr for parenthesized with items parsing ([11012]( - Reset `FOR_TARGET` context for all kinds of parentheses ([11009]( ``` ### 0.3.7 ``` Preview features - \[`flake8-bugbear`\] Implement `loop-iterator-mutation` (`B909`) ([9578]( - \[`pylint`\] Implement rule to prefer augmented assignment (`PLR6104`) ([9932]( Bug fixes - Avoid TOCTOU errors in cache initialization ([10884]( - \[`pylint`\] Recode `nan-comparison` rule to `W0177` ([10894]( - \[`pylint`\] Reverse min-max logic in `if-stmt-min-max` ([10890]( ``` ### 0.3.6 ``` Preview features - \[`pylint`\] Implement `bad-staticmethod-argument` (`PLW0211`) ([10781]( - \[`pylint`\] Implement `if-stmt-min-max` (`PLR1730`, `PLR1731`) ([10002]( - \[`pyupgrade`\] Replace `str,Enum` multiple inheritance with `StrEnum` `UP042` ([10713]( - \[`refurb`\] Implement `if-expr-instead-of-or-operator` (`FURB110`) ([10687]( - \[`refurb`\] Implement `int-on-sliced-str` (`FURB166`) ([10650]( - \[`refurb`\] Implement `write-whole-file` (`FURB103`) ([10802]( - \[`refurb`\] Support `itemgetter` in `reimplemented-operator` (`FURB118`) ([10526]( - \[`flake8_comprehensions`\] Add `sum`/`min`/`max` to unnecessary comprehension check (`C419`) ([10759]( Rule changes - \[`pydocstyle`\] Require capitalizing docstrings where the first sentence is a single word (`D403`) ([10776]( - \[`pycodestyle`\] Ignore annotated lambdas in class scopes (`E731`) ([10720]( - \[`flake8-pyi`\] Various improvements to PYI034 ([10807]( - \[`flake8-slots`\] Flag subclasses of call-based `typing.NamedTuple`s as well as subclasses of `collections.namedtuple()` (`SLOT002`) ([10808]( - \[`pyflakes`\] Allow forward references in class bases in stub files (`F821`) ([10779]( - \[`pygrep-hooks`\] Improve `blanket-noqa` error message (`PGH004`) ([10851]( CLI - Support `FORCE_COLOR` env var ([10839]( Configuration - Support negated patterns in `[extend-]per-file-ignores` ([10852]( Bug fixes - \[`flake8-import-conventions`\] Accept non-aliased (but correct) import in `unconventional-import-alias` (`ICN001`) ([10729]( - \[`flake8-quotes`\] Add semantic model flag when inside f-string replacement field ([10766]( - \[`pep8-naming`\] Recursively resolve `TypeDicts` for N815 violations ([10719]( - \[`flake8-quotes`\] Respect `Q00*` ignores in `flake8-quotes` rules ([10728]( - \[`flake8-simplify`\] Show negated condition in `needless-bool` diagnostics (`SIM103`) ([10854]( - \[`ruff`\] Use within-scope shadowed bindings in `asyncio-dangling-task` (`RUF006`) ([10793]( - \[`flake8-pytest-style`\] Fix single-tuple conversion in `pytest-parametrize-values-wrong-type` (`PT007`) ([10862]( - \[`flake8-return`\] Ignore assignments to annotated variables in `unnecessary-assign` (`RET504`) ([10741]( - \[`refurb`\] Do not allow any keyword arguments for `read-whole-file` in `rb` mode (`FURB101`) ([10803]( - \[`pylint`\] Don't recommend decorating staticmethods with `singledispatch` (`PLE1519`, `PLE1520`) ([10637]( - \[`pydocstyle`\] Use section name range for all section-related docstring diagnostics ([10740]( - Respect ` noqa` directives on `__all__` openers ([10798]( ```Links
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