audreyfeldroy / favicon-cheat-sheet

Obsessive cheat sheet to favicon sizes/types. Please contribute! (Note: this may be in flux as I learn new things about favicon best practices.)
MIT License
9.85k stars 413 forks source link

Favic-o-matic - Universal Favicon Generator #35

Open peqpe opened 10 years ago

peqpe commented 10 years ago

Coded and designed by me, this tool follows the useful informations found in this repository. Hope Audrey can feature it between resources :-) Love from Italy

aibrean commented 10 years ago

Definitely bookmarked! Can't wait to use this in the future.

open-sourceress commented 9 years ago

Bookmarked and used for two websites already, a third soon. I especially appreciate the Favic-O-Meter, so I can play around with the generated filenames and make sure everything still works.

silvenon commented 9 years ago


nalmeida commented 8 years ago
