audreyfeldroy / favicon-cheat-sheet

Obsessive cheat sheet to favicon sizes/types. Please contribute! (Note: this may be in flux as I learn new things about favicon best practices.)
MIT License
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"Not a valid image" error when filename includes an ampersand #53

Open G80 opened 8 years ago

G80 commented 8 years ago

Uploaded image's filename can't include an ampersand or you'll get an error "Not a valid image". Confusing, started to look what's a valid images then.

Zegnat commented 8 years ago

Did you file this against the wrong repository? You cannot upload to this cheat sheet. Or can favicons never be given a name including an ampersand when provided through META tags?

G80 commented 8 years ago

I'm sorry, found Github link on front page and thought automatically it's Favic-o-matic's. Wrong repo. But is there a repo for Favic-o-matic? This is issue can be closed.

Zegnat commented 8 years ago

But is there a repo for Favic-o-matic?

Not that I know of. There is an email address (feedback at and twitter (@favicomatic), but that’s it.